Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

The past several days, Callie has been just draping herself over me when I get home from work and not letting me up (I of course can move her, but she seems to need the contact). She's had an upset stomach for a week or so and has been on a bland diet and meds (hopefully she's learned her lesson about eating poop!) and seems to be getting better. She's ALWAYS an affectionate girl who likes to be close, but this is past close...she's doing a full body drape and somehow doubles her weight when I try to move. She doesn't seem depressed, has her normal energy level when we're out walking or when she plays with another dog, but when we're in the house, she's like velcro. I'm not really complaining - I've kind of enjoyed the extra snuggle time but I'm worried something is going on with her that I'm not catching on to.


On a funny note, my sister called me this morning and asked me if Callie every let me get up last night, or if I had to put her in a Baby Bijorn to go to the office! I just about fell out laughing!


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interesting...Duncan's been that way lately too. I noticed it seemed to coincide with all the snowstorms. I find myself wondering if he's feeling ok but then when we go outside he's all happy and energetic.
He's always been rather Velcro-ey but i definitely see more of the snuggle bunny in him lately.

Darwin has days like this, where he just wants to be pet and loved. I think it's normal, just a more affectionate mood perhaps.
Whopper has been more affectionate since she's been left alone more during the week to the point where she jumps in the bed and is taking up half of my spot because she has to be right up against me. She never used to sleep on the bed and would really do very limited snuggling on her terms. Now, if she isn't pressed up against one of us, she seems to be moping but we know she's okay because the second we're outside with other dogs she's running around and acting goofy.
Wow, I wonder if it is the moon or something LOL Buddy always stayed on his side of the couch and me on mine, now he is either snuggled close by my legs or draped over my knees every night..... Personally I think he is trying to get his mom time and blocking his sister from snuggling :)
I think she's trying to keep you from getting any bright ideas about starting a new hobby.

I've also noticed that when Eddie does his "I'm a sack of potatoes" flop, he just about doubles his weight too!
Marlow has been like this since we adopted him. He is a true "velcro" dog around the house.
I agree our Guinness has done this also in the pasted few months...Doodle trait most diffidently.
Welly does this in the mornings - if I let him drape over me whilst Im still in bed. It starts as a cuddle and gradually he moves more of his body over the bed (and me!). He seems SO heavy I can't move! It's very funny though, and Im sure he enjoys having a chuckle at me :)
Peri's been doing the same thing - following me around more - almost like glue. This morning I thought she was going to lie over my feet while I put on makeup. I was thinking it is because she is getting older and just more affectionate. Maybe that has to do with it???



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