Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I wanted to share a wonderful story about my first rescue?foster with Doodle Resuce Collective named Maxi. I just started working with DRC and got my first call 2 weeks ago about rescuing a doodle from a kill shelter in Fredericksburg VA. My daughters and I were able to go that day and get Maxi. She was due to be euthanized the next day. I can't imagine what person gave her up! 

Maxine is a beautiful buff colored labradoodle about 2 years old. Clearly starved, her ribs and pelvis protruded. The shelter had shaved her down, so we didn't get to see how bad she was. Maxi is the most calm, loving beautiful dog! She was completely house trained, crate trained, knew how to play ball, loves people and fit right in with my other 2 doodles. She sleeps with us on our beds, is eating up a storm and such a sweet disposition!  The perfect dog! She has the beautiful silky curly hair, some apricot and white, overall buff color. Can't wait to see her grown out coat!

Her first picture sitting on the car seat between my daughters!  She jumped right into the car and looked at us like- "let's go home". 

We have had her with us for 2 weeks and she has been adopted by a new forever family and will leave us on Saturday. My family loves her and we are so happy she is going to a wonderful home in Pa.

We actually rescued another doodle back in April in KY. We drove 10 hours each way to get Bella. She is approximately 2 yrs old, a solid white mini doodle. She was rescued from a puppy mill by the Kentucky Lab Rescue, Michelle May. Re renamed her to Bella and brought her home- the drive was horrible, as she hadn't been shaved down or cleaned up yet. She had the most horrible mats, that I actually had to cut them off before I bathed her that night. Look at the before and after pictures. Bella was really abused, house trained, but so afraid of people, noises, doors. She bonded with our Bailey ( 2 yr old goldendoodle) and began to relax. She just recently came to me when I called her, instead of running the other way!  So, she is my success story,and we love her so much we decided to help other dogs find good homes.

Please help other doodles by signing up to foster, pull from your local shelters or drive the doodle train as we find more dogs who have been abandonded, or abused. If you see a listing on Petfinder, please alert Adrianne immediately at DRC and she can arrange for a rescue.

Loving animals, helping them, caring for them and finding them a new home- is a wonderful blessing. Please help us help the helpless doodles!

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I'll second that-in fact I wrote a whole discussion on the topic of civility.
Yay! Happy Endings!! We just joined DRC, come checkout our page!
We can't wait to help the doodles!!
Happy Endings are what we're all about! You are following in some great fostering footsteps, as you can see! Please give Gladwin a big hug from Jack & me when you see him!
Ha - I see you added Suzann to your title after I called you "Rosey". Sorry about that :)
That's okay! I could never take credit for being Rosey the beautiful red head! I am just boring old blonde!!
What a great story. If this doesn't make people want to foster I don't know what would. Thank you so much for the work you are doing. Maxi is so lucky that you got to her in the nick of time. Blessings.
Congratulations for your rescue efforts. We are heavily involved with Maltese rescue and right now have 12 puppies in various stages of adoption as well as five adults. These dogs, combined with our own four Maltese and, of course, Holly our Goldendoodle make quite a houseful.

However, we spied a 4 month old Goldendoodle named "Noodle" on the Petfinder website who was listed with San Diego Animal Control. Judy said, I know that we could find a hime for this girl and I called up the San Diego Shelter. They do not have a very good linking to petfinder and you cannot ask about a specific dog by the numbers listed. However after about twenty minutes on the phone with the automated response, it appears that the girl is no longer with the San Diego Shelter. I hope that she was adopted.
I'm pretty sure we called on that dog, Richard, and if it's the same one, she was adopted.
Karen - yes, she was adopted. Marci went to adopt 'her' but turned out 'she' was a 'he' and a family that just lost their doodle to cancer was there at the same time. They spoke and Marci graciously let them adopt him. BUT she gave them her number and if they ever run into any issues, they will call her.
What great rescue stories and such beautiful dogs! I can't believe that they would have euthanized that gorgeous doodle! Whata waste--thank goodness for doodle rescuers!
Beautiful doodles and thanks for sharing your story and giving these doodles a chance in life <3



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