Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Diane Marra
  • Female
  • Palm Bay, FL
  • United States
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Diane Marra's Friends

  • Pam and Ginger Snap
  • Sarah and Joplin
  • Meghan K
  • Jeannine Smith
  • Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom
  • Kaitlyn
  • Liz Syring
  • David Statzer
  • Jane, Guinness and Murphy
  • Michele Barton
  • HANNAH 8/2/07 & HONEY 7/2/08
  • Elmo Beck
  • Kathy Janes
  • Adrianne Matzkin
  • Rose

Diane Marra's Discussions

Doodle Rescue story

Started this discussion. Last reply by Leslie and Halas Aug 27, 2010. 44 Replies

Doodle Romps in Northern VA????

Started this discussion. Last reply by Diane Marra May 6, 2009. 6 Replies

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Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We have 2 doodles!. Bailey is a 8 year old apricot F1B and we adopted/rescued a labradoodle named Obi. We believe is is about 5-6 years old. .
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Breeder, Rescue
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Loved the look of the goldendoodle. We had a standard chocolate poodle- Obi who passed at 12 years old.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
play frisbee, walk,
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
I do
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Diane Marra's Blog

Doodle Train for Doodle Rescue Collective need help tomorrow in VA!!!

Posted on March 29, 2012 at 8:03am 6 Comments

I need help!!!  Can someone help with a doodle train tomorrow Friday 3/30/12 in VA?  Doodle Rescue Collective ( I am the Regional Director for VA)I has a rescue coming out of a TN shelter. I have a driver from TN to Roanoke VA by 12:00 noon. I need someone to drive Elton from Roanoke to Harrisonburg VA. I can meet you in Harrisonburg around 2-2:30 pm.  PLEASE, I REALLY NEED SOMEONE TO DRIVE THE 117 MILES TO GET HIM CLOSER TO ME. I will be fostering him.

call me if you can help even from…


Meet Bear/Benson my 2nd foster Labradoodle!

Posted on September 17, 2010 at 6:36am 7 Comments

Meet Benson, our newest foster doodle. He is a black Labradoodle that DRC rescued from a kill shelter in southern VA. We used a doodle train to get him up to Northern VA.

He is about 1 year old, non shedding, house trained , knows basic commands and very playful He is neutered too. He likes to do the doodle romp with my male goldendoodle. He is about 70lbs, and has had his tail docked. He loves to give hugs and get in my lap!

He was covered in horrible mattes and even had a… Continue

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At 8:22am on March 31, 2012, theresa wood said…

diane this is theresa wood just wanted to know how elton is doing. he traveled really well with my dogs yesterday, he never made a sound. hope he is feeling better .i think it hurt a little when he sat down.

At 5:35am on March 31, 2012, Pam and Ginger Snap said…

Hi there,


I would like to get some information about the rescue from TN?  Thanks for doing such a great thing!



At 1:41pm on March 29, 2012, Traci -Bexter & Maggie said…

Your doodles are absolutely gorgeous!

At 5:57pm on November 4, 2010, Jazz & Jane said…
You helped find a home for Smokey. Another doodle "angel" !!!

So sorry I didn't make it to Stony Point (Richmond) to meet you.
At 6:11am on October 25, 2010, Barbara Burrows said…
Diane, Thanks for posting the pictures from the walk at Stony Point yesterday. Barb, Molly & Abby. Molly is the black Doodle and Abby is the chocolate one.
At 1:55pm on October 23, 2010, Kaitlyn said…
Lucy and Charlie say Hello and Happy Halloween to Bailey and Bella!
They would like to meet one day and play in a fence in yard with your cuties!
At 8:50pm on August 26, 2010, Donna K & Quincy said…
So sorry that your good news story got hijacked the way it did. The slap on the fingers was not meant for either you or Andrea. You can probably figure out who it was for as Clark so nicely put it. I for one appreciate and respect anyone that can help a doodle in any way. Thanks.Maxi is one beautiful and lucky doodle to have your help.
At 4:20pm on July 17, 2010, Adrianne Matzkin said…
Of course you are approved to foster for the DRC!! I am sorry I didn't make it clear when we were on the phone!
Your girls are gorgeous!!! I am sorry I didn't look sooner at their pictures!! You have great assistants!
At 5:49am on June 22, 2010, Jane, Guinness and Murphy said…
Hi Diane-
Sorry it has taken a while to respond to your question about how much I feed my dogs. My computer is down, and I have to wait until I can borrow my husband's. I feed Guinness (1 yr old mini ALD - 17 pounds) about three cups of home cooking each day. I feel a little less if we've been training, and he's had treats. This seems perfect for him. The Vet feels his weight is just right for his bone structure. Obviously, for a larger dog, there would need to be more food. How much do your guys weigh now and how much are you feeding? Do you only feed home cooking or do you also give them some dog food?
At 1:57pm on June 19, 2010, Sarah and Joplin said…
I was just looking at your photos and saw the comment below.... I was going to say the same thing!! Really hoping that maybe sometime in the future you will let me watch you groom your doodle so that I can learn from a pro! :) They look beautiful! My hope is that I'll be able to do it myself, but not sure how challenging of a task it really is yet.


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