Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I just have to vent. We all know FB is not the place to go for information. Why I try still fathoms me but I do so whatever. Someone on FB asked for reputable breeder suggestions, so I suggested two of my favorite and very well know Michigan breeders. They said early socialization, health guarantees, spay and neuter contracts, and health and genetic testing were important to them so that is really the only reason I bothered to answer. I also stated and agreed why those things are so important.

Well here is a prime example for all of you who doubt us when we say do not get your information from FB.

This was someone's response to my answers....

In my humble opinion, getting a pup from a reputable breeder isn't that big of a deal. A Goldendoodle will be a good dog if you, the owner is a good pack leader, provider, and trainer. Let me just say no pups are going to come perfect, you have to train it to the way you like it. You get a dog to train it, not have it trained then delivered to your house .. it takes all the fun away from it ..

While it is good to have health testing, many dogs at young age are not going to show any signs of health issues, they come up later. As for temperament training, I think all doodles have a good temperament, as a new dog owner how do you even measure what good temperament is .. they are puppies, they are going to be playful and jolly, if you went to meet your pup, you would see first hand how good of a temperament they have .. and as for early socialization, that really isn't an issue if YOU do your part on training your dog, puppy socializations and all that, these are all easy ways to get your pup socialized .. why do you need a breeder to help you socialize your dog? It's not like they had bad bad upbringings and they have human or dog aggression .. like dogs that are put in shelters .. Regarding the issue about the breeder requiring a commitment from the owners to spay/neuter all their puppies ... I think that this is not something you should ask of the breeders, the breeders don't spay and neuter their dogs .. why would they ask you to do such a thing, it makes them hypocrites .. Its a really (mind my language) dumb restriction that you put yourself in from finding a good pup.

if you want to find a pup the right way .. you MUST go meet the pup in person, look at his/her personality when you meet .. is he or she calm and submissive? if so, probably a good pup to pick since he/she will be easy to work with.

its really not about buying the perfect pup from the best breeder .. cause there is no such thing as a perfect pup ... but more so training your pup to become YOUR perfect version of a pup .
just my 2 cents.

I am not even going to respond but really??!?! Well, that's my rant for the day, carry on :)

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Even better is when people recommend their breeders. On a rescue group page. 

Or ask a medical question ;)

You saw that, did you Ro? Twice. It is really hard for me to restrain myself from removing them from the group while I am deleting the comments. LOL

LOL...those type of questions/ comments alone, must keep you on your toes! Yeesch...why in hell would someone even think of asking a question like that on a Rescue page? What did you say before...."Doodles for Dummies"? :p

Deleting questions or banning someone because they ask a question - because they don't know that DK exists - isn't solving the problem. They need to know where to go to get the best info.  I post links to  the Health Group or the Puppy Madness Group or the Food Group, tell them to read, educate themselves, ask questions here in DK and learn from a huge group of doodles families that are going through those issues and not on FB. 

I have also posted on the DRC FB Group that that group is for looking to adopt, reading about fosters and fostering or just to learn about rescue and not for sharing pics and stories about their doodles.They can join DK or other FB Doodle Group for that. 

Our mission is to educate and that is what we attempt to do - send them to places to get great info!

LOVE Dog forbid-so appropriate, lol

I did post a picture of Gavin with an item we got at the DRC Auction.  I don't need anyone to tell me that Gavin is cute (I know he is lol) but posted as a way to advertise the nice items offered at the auction and bring attention to the generous donor that made the item.  I got many nice comments, but then felt that maybe I made a mistake posting the pic :(

That's perfectly reasonable!

No, that was perfectly acceptable and appreciated. It's related to the rescue and to fundraising. 

One of these days I'm going to start a group called "I Hate Doodles" or "Doodles Suck", just to see if they join that too. And post pictures. 




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