Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

It is thundering and lightening pretty bad here today. As I was driving I found a stray dog. I used one of my extra loop leashes that don't require a collar to catch. He was walking out in front of cars.. When I pulled the car over and opened the door, he hopped right in and gave me a look like it is about time.

He is a pit bull/ retriever type dog and I didn't realize he was a pit bull or I may have been more cautious.. All I could see was this adorable cute young male dog running around in the rain. He had no collar, I brought him to my vet and he didn't have a microchip either.

Let me tell you this dog is a character. He got my heart in one minute. He was well behaved, He sat and  looked at me as I explained the story to other people of him. When the vets came out to see him, he promptly rolled on his back and waited to be pet.

The vet said they could not keep him but I think when my eyes popped out of my head they agreed to keep him for the weekend and allow me time to try to find his owner.

I made up over 100 flyers and put them in the mail boxes of two neighborhoods. I called the local rescue places and they told me that they could not take him either. Apparently Pit Bull mixes is mostly all the shelters have around here and they are maxed out.

I can not turn my back on him and I can't bring a huge in tact pit bull mix dog into my house, Jack will have a fit.. or get eaten because he will pick a fight.

I have put it on my facebook, handed out flyers. Do you have any other ideas that I can do. I have until Monday till they turn him over...

I hate people who are irresponsible with their dog.. He obviously was cared for had some training, but I was told he has often been found running loose.. I wonder if I did him a disservice by picking him up and he would have found his own way home.

Any ideas who I can call? I will not allow him to go into a kill shelter.


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That is wonderful. Good deed well done. I hope you gave them some good advice re: microchipping etc.

Thanks heavens.  Hopefully, the owners will take this opportunity to get Chocolate microchipped and maybe shore up the fence a bit!

Wow! Great job on all your actions!! Did you tell them to get a collar and or microchip???

Was he far from home?? We ALWAYS call the police departments near where we see the strays just in case someone is looking for them, they can give the info that they have.

What a wonderful good deed you did. Spending so much time an energy trying to get Chocolate home. I agree, his owners are irresponsible to leave him outside with Tornado warnings but I am sure they are delighted to have him home. You should feel good...YOU did make a difference in that young dogs life....Well done my friend...:)


I once found a little schnauzer running down the middle of the road--he also hopped right into my car and looked at me as if to say "hey, where are we headed?" I found his owner quickly though with no nearly as much work as you had to do! (He had an ID tag and they were close by) But it still felt great to help him out especially when their little daughter thanked me. They were moving out of their house, so had the door open a lot and the little rascal chased the owners car down the road--I guess he thought he was going to be left behind. 

What a wonderful result of your kindness and great efforts made on behalf of this dear dog! 

OMD, Jennifer!  You are so wonderful!  You are that dog's hero today!  Hopefully the owners got a wake-up call!


Jennifer you are AWESOME!   Congrats on the good deed!

Call local police, maybe someone reported one missing. He may have gotten out of his collar.

Thank you, I will admit, it is selfish on my part because doing it made me feel so good..... gave me something productive to do today.

I am so glad about the flyers working

I want to add what Karen said about not posting it on craigslist, right before the owners called me, I had called Jack's daycare center that works with a rescue group. They said the same thing, that if you post an ad in the news paper or on CL that you are going to get people who will lie about the dog being theirs and do either pit bull fighting etc. When I heard that my blood turned to ice..

This dog is so cute..... The owner lives in the far side of my development, I have never seen his dog before, I know most of the dogs in the neighborhood but they just moved in.

I will tell you he was a ham, I could not believe how he just rolled over to be pet at the vets, he sat so politely... The thought of anything bad happening to him would kill me, I will stop by the owners  house tomorrow. The owners were a bit ditsy they wer grateful but they said "yeah we need to get him a collar" Ya think?????

Thanks for the good advice...

Good job Jennifer!  My boys' BFF is a pit bull and we love him so much.  I am so glad that you helped him and didn't let his breed interfere with your efforts to keep him safe and find his family. 

Thanks...I am grinning from ear to ear..



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