Full disclosure, I am really interested, personally, in how you found DoodleKisses as I think it's a fun topic and helps us all get to know each other better. But, I'm also asking because I'm starting a new company (more details later I'm sure) that will, in the first 6 months, rely heavily upon locating influential people (women primarily) on social media sites who like to help people and tend to forward things (helpful and valuable things - not time wasters) to others who then take action.
Sorry I can't go into full detail on what I'm talking about - I will at some point.
Anyway - what made you seek DoodleKisses? Did you join any other doodle/dog forums prior? after? Do you participate in other forums? How many?
Yeah, me too re: the BBS'es. I was so blessed to work at a .com in the late 1990's that came up with one of the all-time best BBS structures for our employees only (very similar to how Ning works now) that I became spoiled and had to wait years for the rest of the web to catch up! Funny, we should have launched it as a side business.
I was looking for something, I suppose doodle related, on the web and stumbled across DK. Never have been really involved in any social networking site.
I too was obessively searching information about doodles and came across this site. I joined another less active doodle site prior, that I still check in on every so often. I also belong to a cottage forum. No FB or Twitter for me.
I was researching the breed online and it came up. Like F. Parker, never been and still not, so involved in any other forum or blog, even facebook, which I do have a Arizona Doodles Facebook page. I tell everyone about it who is even thinking of getting a doodle. Very informative and educational as well as entertaining.!!! These guys do make us laugh. Adina is the reason I stay on it however, as she moderates very fairly and is never biased or insulting in expression of her opinions. I like the way she handles issues. And her baby is pretty darn cute too.
I was obsessively looking for any and all information about goldendoodles and goldendoodle breeders. I recall seeing something about DoodleKisses on either DoodleWorld or DoodleZoo I believe because I remember thinking "now I have found Doodle heaven!!".
I also use Facebook for social networking, sometimes one that is dedicated to travel agents, and on occasion I follow my friends and celebritie gossip on Twitter but personally I don't Tweet - I leave that for the birds LOL
I think I found DoodleKisses by mistake (a happy one, though). My massage therapist, a GoldenDoodle owner, told me about a "great doodle site" during a massage. By the time I got home, I'd forgotten the specifics so I googled "doodles". DoodleKisses was one of the sites that came up, so I took a look, liked what I saw, and joined. I even credited my massage therapist on my home page. Later, at another massage, I mentioned DoodleKisses and she had no idea what I was talking about - must have been some other site. Oh well, "all's well that ends well!"
A month or so after I got Darwin I started to look at Goldendoodle forums. I just searched "Goldendoodle Forums" I checked out two before I found doodlekisses. Unfortunately, I don't remember what they were called. I believe one of them was Goldendoodle World? I was only part of that for a couple of days, but I didn't like it and the other forum I had joined wasn't active at all. I found DoodleKisses, and quickly realized it was better than anything I had found thus far, so I stayed.
I am not active in any other forums really, although I do "lurk" on a couple of other non-dog related sites. Oh, and facebook.
I was sent an invite by Dianne Carter (Trinity Doodles), but I was also told about DK by my nurse practiciner (owns 3 rescued doodles) during my annual physical. ;) Also participate on the DRC, inc. social network and a few others like facebook and linkedin.