Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was going to put this question on the puppy page, but I need answers from the full grown group. Josie is 5 mos old and about 13" tall (and about 10 lbs.). She is VERY athletic! From day 1, much to my dismay, she jumped off the back of our couch, although I thought I had her gated in. Who would have guessed she would do that?

The next weekend, as I reported here, she escaped from her canvas, portable crate. Now my daughter uses that for her cats and we got a small metal one.

Tonight, we were in the bedroom (where she now sleeps crate-less), and she leapt clear over a two foot gate.

I'm in the process of ordering a taller one and I'm wondering if I'll be safe with a 3 foot gate. We can close the door, and will have to until we get the new gate (she does jump off the bed at times....of course), but we need to keep her IN, and still get air flow...She's supposed to top out at 15-16 lbs.

Any idea when they stop growing in height? Not sure that's even an issue with our little kangaroo...

Thanks in advance...

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My pup, Penelope, jumps straight up in the air when she is excited.  She gets a lot of air and her head is somewhere between the 6 and 7 foot mark.  She is totally amazing - definitely part kangaroo!  Kangaroodle??

She also likes to jump her two brothers as if they are hurdles in the back yard.  They are all between 50 and 60 pounds and about the same height.  

Since Josie is smaller, hopefully you will be safe with a 3' gate.  :)

I am 5'6". I can hold a prize ( like a squeaky ball) over head and Jack will jump straight up to grab it. I call it poodle jumping. Sometimes he gets so much air that it scares me that he'll hurt himself when he lands

Harpo is our jumper and he has no problem jumping over a 36" fence or up onto the 36" grooming tables.  He is 24 inches tall and 50 pounds.  Our other doodle, Groucho Too, does not jump over or onto anything.  You have to lift him or he will walk a ramp with an inticement.  I think it really depends on the personality of the dog.  Some jump and some do not.  We have a 24" baby gate that we put in the doorway when we want to leave the door open for some air and neither of them have bothered with the gate, even though Groucho Too could practically step over it.  I do not let Harpo jump off the table because I worry that he could hurt himself. I lift him down, but hopping up - I just have to pat the table and he is up.

My Gracie Doodle is a very tall standard F1 Goldendoodle and weighs 75 lbs.  She is very light on her feet and is a beautiful jumper...very athletic!  She can clear a 4 foot fence/gate with no problem!  

Riley is 22 inches tall and weighs 55lbs. He has springs in his legs and can jump a six foot wall no problem. Boris is an expert at going through things like really thick bushes and can find his way to places I didn't know existed! 

I really didn't think any dog could jump as high as Bella but I don't think she could clear a 6' fence, however, she hops, leaps and flys through the air with amazing grace and precision. The landing is scary at times, but she seems to always land softly, so I've not tried to stop her. Besides, she's in mid flight before you can blink, so there really is no stopping her! Murphy's jumps are functional only, into the back of the SUV, leaping into the pool, or hopping onto the grooming table. Bella jumps mostly when excited and playing. Grab a leash and she's hopping over my head to get out the door first!!!!

I think 'higher is better" for your gate.  Both of my guys are great jumpers.  My standard cleared a 5 ft gate at the groomers with no problem.  My mini is also amazingly agile and I would never trust him with just a three foot gate.

As a puppy, Quincy was clearing the standard baby gate and we had to buy the taller one.  Now at 52 lbs, he can leap onto a table from a standing position when motivated (it was an ice cream container!) He clears bushes when running with plenty of air space.  Yes Deborah- a kangardoodle! 

Part of the not jumping over the gate is training and respect for the barrier - but only part.  My guys can be jumpers.  Our heavier doodle who is 19" tall but weighs over 60 pounds can easily jump a 3 ft wall.  Our smaller doodle who is 17" tall can jump higher.  We use an ex-pen as a barrier to living room access, and all of our dogs respect it, but whenever my daughter is over her lab jumps it!

Aw, she is adorable! I think it's different for smaller doodles but Darwin stopped growing taller when he was about 1 1/2 years old. Darwin jumps but he doesn't get very high. LOL!

Brinkley can clear a lot of height. I'm really wishing I went for the taller fence. I'm so worried he's going to discover that he can leap over it.



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