Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

When the girls were puppies they would wake us a few times a night to go potty.  Then they could make it through the night but wanted out as soon as we got up.  I've noticed though in the past year and especially say the last 6 months they go much less frequently.  I usually let them out of their room in the mornings at around 5:30.  Sophie will normally ask to go out to pee by usually no later than 8:00.  She normally has 3 am trips out to pee and the last one will poo.  Lucy on the other hand will not ask to go out until much later.  Yesterday I made her go out at Noon just because I had to leave the house.   If I take her out at 6 am she will pee and poo, but if I don't make her go she is fine until whenever she decides to go.  They normally have their bedtime potty at around 9pm, so to not go until 10:00 - 12:00 the next morning seems like a long time to me.  She will then ask to go again probably around 6pm.  Does this seem to be anything I need to worry about?

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Probably not a worry.

Rosco...who pees no less than 5367 times in the evening, will sleep in and not even ask to go out for potty probably till 9 or 10am in the morning.  I don't know HOW he does it!  Of course I don't go to bed before 10pm, but he rarely goes potty that last trip out. 

Good to know.  Thank you.
Do yo u think boys go more times than girls?
Vern never pees first time in the morning. Sometimes, it will be as late as two hours later that he pees and then it takes forever. I was just thinking this morning that I am going to write about Vern :)
Huff has to go potty every 4-6 hours. But with his tummy issues, about every 1-2 hours
My last lab "held it" until I took her to the park.  I kid you not.  We went every day and she really wanted to go down in the creek beds.  Your dogs are big and getting more mature, so they can hold it for a longggg time.  They can also just get lazy and not want to bother.  So I think you shooing Lucy is probably good.  They are so cute together.

Jackdoodle regularly goes from 8 p.m. until 10 or 11 a.m. without eliminating at all, and it isn't as if he doesn't have the opportunity. He doesn't like to go into the yard after dark or when the grass is wet in the a.m., and will usually refuse to do so. The only problem with this is that because he was on long, strong courses of steroids too frequently in his earlier years, there is some concern about his kidneys in general. But this is the way he is. So far, he seems to be perfectly healthy, and I try not to worry about it.

It's not unusual for him to urinate three times a day...morning and evening walks, and once in the later afternoon.

We too have wondered how long they can go between and have noticed the difference in our two.

Murphy will go every hour or so if he is outside, but doesn't ask to go out more than a few times a day. He has always been a great pee-on-demand and poop-wherever-you-can kinda puppy since we traveled so much with him he must have learned when the RV parks, this is it or you are SOL.  

Bella on the other hand can hold it till her eyeballs float, asks to go outside a million times a day and only will potty maybe 2-3 times a day. And absolutely only in her yard if she can help it. Take her for a walk and nothing, get home and she waits to go out back. Murphy, put on the leash and we are marking every bush we can along the way and then take a big dump at the dog park!. 


Kirby will hold his pee forever.  I swear he holds it 12-14 hrs even when given ample opportunity to be outside.  Dexter - he will ask to go out more often if we're home, but has no problem holding it for a work day (i.e. 7:30ish-5 ish).

Cooper regularly holds her pee for 12 hours and will often only go twice a day
Thanks everyone for your input.  Sounds as if we have nothing out of the ordinary, which is always good to know.
Luca can easily go 12 hours or more without going out. He often waits till lunchtime unless I entice him out and encourage him.



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