Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I added 4 more photos to my page today and then noticed that I now have 200.  Holy doodle bug - I don't think I ever had that many total of my 3 children!  This got me to thinking - if my computer drive crashed - all I would have is what is stored in cyber space on DK.  So what is the limit we are allowed to have stored on DK.  I've noticed that my slideshow doesn't start with my first picture anymore - that makes me sad as I loved to see the entire thing - Clark - can you change that?  So how many photos are on YOUR DK page?


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Jane, I think you just did it!!

All thanks to you!!!!

YAY, JANE!!!!  Look at you!  See, DK has taught you more than just about doodles!  Funny, tho' (CLARK)... sometimes when I reply to discussions, my tool bar above the posting box is not there my 'post box' is yellow, and I can't bold or italicize.  and, I'm a BIG bolder and italicizer -  but it's there

Here you go, although there are lots of others. Buy it through the Amazon link though and DK and rescue will get some help.

That must be a record!
I have 133, and I'm pretty selective as to the ones I post. (just cute, quality pics. at least to me...)
I have 768 photos. Oh wow, I didn't even realize! I just see Darwin's cute face and can't resist all the photos.
Camilla, I think you win the Most photo prize (after Adina) lol  Can't wait until you have children!
I dont have many here on DK - but I have a ridiculous number on facebook. My lap top was stolen last year and i lost a years worth of photos - thankfully they were backed up on facebook - you loose some of the quality, but the pictures are still there. I have one photo i wanted to submit for the Xmas calendar, but copying it from facebook wouldnt be good enough I dont think
I have 289 pictures downloaded on DK. I swear I took one a year of my kids (the dreaded Christmas card), but it seems I can't stop taking them of my dogs.
Nice to know I'm not alone.  I'm always forgetting my camera for people events, but seem to remember it if the dogs are involved.  I have to admit I take more pictures of Lexi than I use to.
I have 280 right now but we have lots on our cameras yet some outdoor pictures now that it's finally pleaasant outside!



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