Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I saw him chewing something and looking naughty. Turns out it was chewing gum. Luckily not the sugar free variety. He then spit it out when I tried getting it out of his mouth and it got stuck...I mean really stuck on his front leg. I had to cut a big tuft of that soft fleece out...Sigh! At least he smells minty fresh.I'd love to hEar what silly things your dood has chewed on?

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I have given up on gardening. Ollie will just pull everything out. I am thinking of putting in a fenced area for a vegetable garden in spring.
Definitely use some chicken wire or fencing! Works great and you don't have to worry about what they are eating.

We use vanilla ears for a treat chew and to help Holly keep her teeth cleaned.  However, there is a county park near me which includes horse trails.  Horse apples really attract Holly but, luckily she hasn't eaten any.  One more reason ro keep a dog on a lead...


Vanilla ears are cow's ears and don't smell as nasty as smoked pig's ears.  I buy them in quantities of a hundred since all my Maltese, as well as Holly, love them.  However,they are also available in smaller quantities...


BTW:  When buying from do it through this website.  There is a link at the top of the page which will provide a donation to Doodle Rescue for anything that is purchased on


I did have a Springer Spaniel that had a fetish for chewed gum.  If she saw a wad on the ground, she would make a beeline for it and try to snatch it up.  Most of the time, I successfully interdicted that behavior - thank goodness!

I should try those. I'm sure Ollie would love those.
How about a brand new pair of glasses!!!..$350.00 worth!!!!..Good thing my credit card paid for it again...
Oh no, Oliver!
Ouch! Poor you. Hope he didn't get hurt.
Oh no, Cheryl! Sadie has gone through three pairs of my reading glasses, but they were cheap (flea-market cheap). Her teeth marks are also on the TV remote and my cell phone, but luckily she seems to have passed through the "chew anything in sight" phase and sticks to her chew toys/treats.
Wow! Reminds me of when Ollie chewed on my laptop when he was teething. He broke about an inch off the corner. So there is hope then!  Good to hear.
I thought reading glasses were normal fare for chewing. Owen has chewed three of mine that I threw away and two pair that I still use. heehee. We cannot imagine why he has not gotten any of our cell phones.
My list of what Bella eats would be too long of a post. Suffice it to say there has probably been gum in her vault of intestines and it's been among the undefinable objects that have come out of the other end on numerous occasions!
Your Bella and my Owen should never get together to talk! Murphy and Kona could commiserate though.



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