Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Nothing major - I just washed it and put first aid ointment on it.  The dog that bit me (of three Puggles - I'm not sure which one) is up to date on shots so I'm not worried.  It was so strange - I've always heard that you should never jump into the middle of a dog fight but when that dog(s) went after my baby - I never took time to even think.  I ran about 15 feet and literally took a flying tackle onto Stuart and kept right on rolling taking all 70 lbs of him with me and out of harms way.  During the leap and roll one of the Puggles chomped into my thigh.  In an ironic twist I didn't have on my usual outfit - a tennis or golf skirt - I actually had on running tights to below my knee - saved me from a worse injury, plus cellulite is hard to puncture.  I've never trusted those Puggles and now know that my gut instinct was correct.  One of them attacked Stuart over a ball and the rest jumped in.  The owners feel bad but nobody actually saw it get started so they aren't going to accept any real blame, and all I know is that Stuart is so gentle and unassertive but when attacked he went into defense mode to protect himself, a real 1st.  It WAS a stupid move on my part but without thinking I was willing to do whatever it took to protect him just on instinct.  I think tomorrow that I'm going to be sore from head to toe.


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Jane, I am so sorry about this horrendous attack. What a mess! I hope you are getting well-cared for now that you have so lovingly cared for Stuart. hugs from the three of us.

No cellulite in view!!!!

I'm just seeing this now, what a terrifying experience and I think in the heel of the hunt you did what instinct told you to do.  Those wounds can be deep.  I wonder if you have had a tetanus shot?  and I'm hoping you are much better now. 

Jane u need to see your own Dr. a puncture wound from an animal is not nothing.  PLEASE go and see the Dr. and if necessary a tetnus shot, or maybe an antibiotic.  I would get proof that this puggle or whatever it is up to date on shots...Hope you get better quickly...I would have done the same thing, you had to protect Stuart, and u did, and I am sure any of us would have done the same thing

Absolutely.  And medical care is important!

My trainer uses a squirt bottle of water set on stream to calm dogs down--it is amazing how quickly that shy away when the water hits them. She keeps the bottle under her arm rather than holding it out so that they don't see the bottle and go after it--instead, they look around as if to say "where is that water coming from?" I have seen pretty vicious dogs stop fighting with this technique--strange...

This is my leg today.  Talked to the Dr.'s office as I am up to date on tetnis they said I don't need to come in unless it gets infected.  As we were leaving the dog park tonight the puggle's owner was coming in.  He asked how my leg was and when I showed him he said "oh - you have a bruise - you were brave to jump in there."  I wanted to say hey a@$$ , this is a dog bite not a bruise but I just kept walking.  People are so stupid.

That IS a dog bite. What a jerk. Hope it heals fast! I would have done the same for my doodle.

Oh my! That looks awful (cellulite and all)...just kidding. I think you should have told the owner this was a bite. They probably just think this is a bruise from your heroic rescue. Looks painful. Did your baby act nervous or different today?

Jane!  That is one nasty looking bite,  Be careful with it.  Are you using polysporin or anything?

Jane, That is some bruise. I am glad you called your doctor. I hope it is not hurting too badly and your leg goes back to normal soon.

Ouch this looks painful :( Glad you talked with the doc



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