Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I could not believe the experience at the vet's today. Thankfully we don't have to go that often. Jake has been poorly since late Thursday night. Generally listless, panting, not eating, pooing or peeing and not drinking water. Since that lasted more than a day, DH and I took him to the vet this morning because at 17 years one never knows. Still don't know what's wrong as we'll have to wait for blood results on Monday.
But the good news is he's perked up a bit since coming back and seems a little brighter. He's had some water, had a pee, and even ate some of the "food" the vet sent home with him. Boy what do they put in that stuff? Must be some powerful additive because Molly wanted some too. I should mention that all three of my dogs are raw fed and wouldn't touch kibble if their lives depended on it, but whatever was in that can sure got their interest. I only agreed to try it to spark Jake's interest in eating. It smelled like liverwurst.
But I digress, what really got me was the vet tech's comments. I suggested that Jake's smelly ears might be a symptom of something, but she said no, all dogs get stinky ears. I said that's not true at all since normally Jake's ears don't smell and neither do Molly's or Riley's. Her retort was just wait they will stink soon. She also offered the comment that it's very strange that Jake's breath doesn't smell. I said that was due to his diet. And of course she asked what that was. You would have thought I said I feed them live babies the way she went on. In her "expert" opinion, that's why Jake is ill. I stopped her right there and politely suggested to her that she do some research before giving opinions on topics she is woefully ignorant of. The vet came in at that point and she asked him if he knew what "diet" she (meaning me) feeds her dog. Well of course he knows what I feed my dogs, I've told him that from the beginning. He said yes and that's why they have such nice breath. She looked at him as though he had grown another head. It was priceless!!! He's not all for a raw diet but he once said that he couldn't argue with the results he sees in my dogs. Guess he forgot to tell his tech about it. Anyway, if that tech speaks to me again like that, I will politely inform her boss that I will be voting with my feet and will take my business elsewhere.
Wow. I think what you experienced is worth a phone call/note/letter. Her behavior was out of line and I think you should let the Vet know so it can be addressed sooner rather than later.
And no... it's not like that at all offices.... I've had great experiences at the place I take Shelby!
How very unprofessional. I hate it when these techs or assistants give their unsolicited 'opinion'. It just shows that her training is lax and she isn't very smart, never heard such a load of twaddle. Woe betide any of them ready to give me any of their 'pearls of wisdom', I'm ready for them!!!!
I changed vets because of the tech's and office staff, I wasn't in love with the vet to begin with but hadn't had a bad experience with her directly and she was super close to home, like a total of 1 minute driving time. After I went to her 3 or 4 times and the office staff was still rude, condescending and uneducated that I quit going. Hunter hasn't had any health issues so far so I haven't had to deal with an office much.
I am a big supporter of raw feeding, although its not something that I have been able to do on a daily basis. I do only give Hunter raw bones and feed her raw a few times a week. It amazes me that vet's and their staff are not educated much, if at all, about raw feeding or educated on the crap that is put into commercial dog food. They are going to recommend the foods that give them the best kickbacks (that's just my opinion not a known fact but why else would that recommend that junk?).
I would for sure tell the vet what this tech said, you never know what unfounded "professional" opinion she is going to give to someone that she is incorrect about and they are going to follow her bad advice not knowing better.
Thanks for saying hokum, Sue. Gotta keep the word in use. ;o) That vet tech was the hokum queen.
No, it's not like this everywhere. I love my vets. There are two in the office and I love them both. Go somewhere else!
I am looking for a vet that wont preach to me about food (we recently moved)- the vet we took Cooper to as a puppy told us we were killing Cooper by feeding raw - that she would grow up disformed. My cats had been eating raw for 7 years at that time, since they were 3 months old and have had NO heath problems whatsoever, apart from the ringworm they had from the SPCA.
My last vet never even asked about food - which i liked. I have definately had more training than he on food (albeit mainly kibble) through my work, and have done extensive research myself.
I have to agree - Coopers breath never smelled when she was on raw. She is currently on kibble as we are living with the inlaws and they dont like the thought of feeding raw, and her breath is a bit stinky.
Im surprised you actually took food from the vet! I hope Jake gets better
I think you do need to inform the vet. However, both my dogs get the same food, Acana kibble. Calla gets tartar and bad breath while Luca has much less tartar and no bad breath. I'm using PetzLife on both and their teeth are much improved. But really a raw diet is not the only thing in the world that accounts for all good things. Those of us who feed our dogs premium kibble believe we are giving our dogs good care too! My dogs are very healthy, their ears don't stink either!
Yep, I am right there with you F. Gracie Doodle eats Acana and green beans and has never had an ear infection and her ears smell lovely...breath too! Hey, have you noticed how many people are starting to use your signature word? HOKUM haha
NO! And I agree with the others. The vet needs to know that this tech has the potential of losing him business. If you are unhappy with the service the techs are providing you can bet there are others just like you. If you are happy with this vet and really don't want to change then speak up! If you want to change anyhow then I would say now is a good time!
I've never experienced anything like that, if I did, I'd be going to a different vet!
HI Andrea, sorry you had a bad experience. Not sure I get the connection between raw and stinky ears/breath. neither of mine have bad breath, and only winston gets stinky ears but that's related to his allergies. Either way, the vet tech was rude. I think I'd complain...
I sure hope Jake feels better!
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