Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Okay, this might seem silly, but I just have to brag about my guy! 

JD gets pills and supplements before every meal. He doesn't like to take them, and usually "hides" in the corner of the family room sofa when he hears me open the pill bottles. He doesn't fight me, because he knows he has to take them before he can get his food, but I do have to put them down his throat. 

For some reason, (probably early onset Alzheimer's) I completely spaced just now and gave him his dinner without having given him his meds. I realized that just as he was beginning to wolf down his food. I opened the pill bottles, thinking maybe I could just place the sweet potato-coated pills in with his dinner, and as soon as he heard the bottle open, he actually stopped eating, came over to me and sat down to wait for his pills!!!!!

I ask you, is he the best dog or what? 


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What a good boy, JD!

He knows the routine, even if he doesn't like it :p

JD, you are the best!

Aww...that just melts me!!! Amazing! Good boy JD!

He is AWESOME!  My two boys would be thinking....Mom screwed up, let's eat as fast as we can.

One of the best certainly. I have the other two : )

Awww...JD, you are the best!!!!   What a hero-dog!!!

Awww, that is so sweet Karen and he is the "best dog ever"!  They are so darn smart and he definitely made Mom proud!

AWWW!  That is such a sweet story!  What a good little guy!  It always amazes me how much these dogs thrive on routine.  Bexter always is already in his crate when he sees me put on my shoes.  I don't even have to tell him anymore.  Aren't they just the best? You should be a proud mommy!

Smart guy!!!

He probably knows the pills make him feel better.

Thanks, guys! He really amazed me! 

What a sweet boy!

Awwww what a good boy.... they do surprise us at times :)   That makes us love them even more that we could ever realize :)



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