Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I would like to praise a very useful invention: The medical petshirts!!!
Benny got neutered a while ago and I was fearing already the collar he had to wear afterwards. Both our cats went through this too and they really hated the collar.
Actually I do think a collar can cause even more fear and traumatize your pet.
Therefore I am really happy that the doctor gave me the choice between a lamp shade collar and a medical pet shirt when I picked Benny up. Of course the petshirt costs a bit more than the collar but it is worth it.
I put it on as soon as we arrived at home (because Benny decided to pee when they wanted to take him out of the crate at the doctor, otherwise they had taken the shirt already on). It is made out of cotton and it looks like a baby jumper. The shirt comes in different sizes and Benny fits into a large one perfectly (Keep in mind that at that time he was 6 month, but the jumper stretches as well without being too tight).The good thing is that the shirt is not that tight around the belly so that the air can circulate around the wound. The inside of the shirt has a soft layer which can take little amounts of blood or water coming from the wound.
The only disadvantage is that you have to open it when you want to let your dog our at least if it is a boy lol.
But I just rolled it up so that Benny was wearing it like a short tshirt.
He accepted the shirt from on the beginning. Of course he still wanted to lick the wound, but he couldn't reach it and was licking on the shirt instead which was no problem.
He was wearing the shirt for 10 days until the stitches were taken out expect for the time when I washed it but then I was watching him. The shirt can be machine washed and you can put it also into the dryer (it doesn't say do but I just did and it didn't shrink :)).
I can only recommend these shirts because contrary to our cats Benny didn't had any restrictions in moving around and sight and could do everything he wanted to.
Here is the website if you want to know more:

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We used an old t-shirt. Cut two extra holes in the front near the bottom and one hole in the back near the bottom for her tail. My wife pulled the excess material back and pinned it with a safety pin so it was comfortably snug. Our puppy only wore it the first two nights after her surgery. By the third day she had largely fortgotten about it and left it alone.
Another alternative to either the lampshade collar or the medical shirt is the procollar Inflatable Elizabethan Collar. These are quite comfortable for a dog to wear and is not as annoying for the dog or its owners due to bumping into things.

There are several sizes available.
Good to know. I went to the website you recommended and it was not in English. Is there a place that sells these in the USA? If not, I love the home-made t-shirt idea.
They also sell soft medical collars but, I like the idea of the shirt. Thanks for sharing.
As an FYI as Roger and Joanne couldn't see the homepage in english:
Regarding the medical pet shirts: If you go to the homepage and the page doesn't come up automatically in english you have the option to change the language in the top right corner. There are some country flags. First one is option german, second is dutch, third is UK for english and the last one french. Just click the UK flag and voila the site switches to english. I hope that helps.



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