Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I've wanted to do this for a loooong time.  I think perhaps next year might finally be the time to try it out. 

My town, Walla Walla, Washington is way on the other side of the country from many of you.  But it's a quaint town with culture and a bazillion excellent wineries. 

So I was might be fun to host the first annual Doodle Kisses National Doodle Romp here.  Super convenient for me, but would any of you travel for it?  After next year we can move it around to different locations.

How many of you would drive over with your doodle(s)?

How many of you would fly over doodle-less?

How many of you are thinking "No way, crazy lady!"?

If enough people are interested...I can get started planning.  I would most likely aim for May when the local wineries host their Spring Release or June when they do some other thing or another.  BUT that means it would be crowded and hotels booked long in advance.

We have the option of a dog park in College Place (the neighboring town) and there is a nice park next to it.  So we could meet at that park and then those that want to let their dogs off leash could meander over there.  The park has benches so we conceivably have a picnic or get catering. 

What sounds best to others?  Would you prefer a more out of the way park without an official dog park?  A hike/walk?  Take over downtown and visit wineries? 

2/19: UPDATE:  I was going with the tentative date of June 9/10 with the option to stay the whole weekend for those who want to, but no official plans for the weekend.  That seems to conflict with one member who REALLY wants to make it.  So now I'm looking at June 23/24.  The previous week is Spring Release weekend for local wineries and while that doesn't actually conflict with us, it might be really crowded.  Please argue with me over this if you need to.  I don't mind. 

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Unfortunately we won't be able to attend, but wanted to say that we attended several national dachshund get-togethers years ago as part of a similar internet group. We went 3 years in a row and it was so much fun getting to meet everyone in person. I was amazed at how well all of the dogs got along and played. I highly encourage anyone who can go to attend. Adina, if you are interested, I can tell you some of the things that we did at these events to keep everyone involved. Just message me if you want suggestions.
I don't think you have to plan much entertainment. When we have our SoCal romps we just meet for brunch and then let the doodles loose at the dog park. And it's always lots of fun for humans and canines alike. The doodles will provide the entertainment. LOL

We want to come but we have another commitment that cannot be changed if the event is June 23/24.   I am bummed and don't dare tell Hurley.  If we could have come we would have driven.  Big sigh on my part.   

I would so want to come.  Dog park seems crucial to event.  We are not wine drinkers so not important to that, although I would think another weekend might be more welcoming to a hoard of dog people and their dogs.

We live in So Ca and it would be an incredibly long drive for us.  Roo's health and my ability to sit in a car for long periods would make it nearly, but maybe not quite, impossible for us.  I would so love to come.  Don't count on us though.  If we were to do it, a specific weekend would not make any difference to us. 

June 23/24 is good for us. I agree with others that nothing much is needed in the way of entertainment as watching the doodles interact and play will be entertainment enough. Maybe see if there is any interest in small interest groups: a talk on nutrition, vaccines, health; try out some agility equipment; how to develop a really strong recall, etc. Maybe do a survey to see what people are interested in.

I have a friend who breeds Doodles in Portland and have been to her Romps at Fidos.  What a small world.....  It
IS a great facility, but outdoors would be SO much better......

I am just now hearing about this!  What a wonderful idea, Adina.  We are in NoCA (SF Bay Area), and would love an excuse for a road trip.

Adina, I feel your pain in worrying about the weather, whether you can entertain doodlers.  Here is my take - you absolutely cannot control the weather and if we are rained out, we are rained out.  My unorganized rambles for the romp itself: 

I can't wait to meet some doodles in person that I only know in pictures.    THIS IS THE REAL PURPOSE OF THE ROMP - TO ME AND YOU DON'T NEED TO DO ANYTHING BUT FIND PLACES FOR US TO MEET.

The 'romp' itself needs to be in a fenced area -  a dog park,  yard,  farm, whatever?  People need to know whether to bring chairs,  dog poo bags, water for dogs and selves.

It would be a bonus if there were demos, but if there aren't, it doesn't really matter.

It would be very fun if those who are crafty and make things, bring them to sell, trade.  Same for used dog things.  Those who want to do that could bring a table to the romp area and set up.  They would need to sign up with you just so you know who and how many are doing this.

Those who take pictures can snap away and load the photos on a shared album on fb or wherever it would work. Others are more knowledgeable about that than I might be.

It would be VERY cool if the dogs got a romp kerchief as a memento. Perhaps if you pre-sign up you get a kerchief for sure and if there are any leftovers they can go to those that can't pre-sign up when they show up.

I would like you to scout out all the restaurants, shops, etc.  that are dog friendly so that we can meet in small groups for meals, chat etc. People staying in dog friendly hotels - might have lobbies where we could meet and chat.

If there is a cost to you, then it needs to be passed on to us - for example if each person attending paid $10, would it cover the costs of the romp space, kerchief, etc? 


Thank you for saying that (a couple others said it too) because I really felt pressure to have something TO DO.  Part of it was that if you're here with a dog, what do you DO with the dog if you want to go and see sights?  One place I was talking to is the Fort Walla Walla museum which has some nice history stuff to look at both indoors and out.  Their deal was that IF we could create an event like show agility or other demonstration, then we could bring dogs in.  Otherwise, it's not really part of their policy to allow dogs.  So as I was searching for possibilities it seemed nobody wanted to commit to a demo that far out.  I guess I can just drop this idea entirely, right?

  • We have a dog park, though I have not set foot in it for a very long time.  I've developed a negative aversion to dog parks but I think it's okay if it is for a doodle romp.
  • We also have other nice parks that we could meet in if nobody minded keeping their dog leashed. Perhaps we could hire a dog walker or other "sitter" to help hold leashes?  Crazy idea or good idea?
  • We have a fair grounds where I could rent a building so we aren't stuck in weather and would have seating as well as allow dogs to play indoors. 
  • A couple of the hotels have meeting rooms to rent that are dog friendly and we could bring someone in to talk training, grooming, health, whatever. -- Any recommendations for experts in the PNW?  I have a friend that grooms at PetCo and there are a couple trainers locally (not sure if I love any).
  • A downtown doodle parade is still on my MUST DO list.  Depending on how many of us there were, taking a walk downtown would be so neat, we'd be so cool looking with our fluffy dogs!

Have to admit, I LOVE the idea of a downtown parade (lol!)

Downtown doodle parade is a fabulously fun idea. I really like that.

I really think we need an off-leash, fenced area for the actual romp. We have been to the Malibu Romp, and while it is very cool, it is not fenced, and in a snake area.  Both times I attended, my doodle(s) stayed on leash. I didn't feel comfortable letting them roam without being able to see them. But the Malibu Romp was a luncheon and  very organized and time specific.  I think a fenced area where the dogs could run free would work best.  Remember some dogs are reactive on leash.

I don't think you need to rent hotel conference rooms.  It's more about the dogs than a lecture. This is just my opinion.

As Helga said, here in So. Ca. it is really low key.  Those of us who can meet in an outdoor strip mall that has about 6 places to choose from and outdoor seating.  There are often 12 - 15 of us and our dogs - so not that many but you get the idea. Then we meet at nearby dog park.  We have had 35 humans and their dogs.

If the weather there permits, I think a simple outdoor  BBQ (if that is possible) would be a fun way to kick off the weekend or end it.

I think the doodle parade would be a blast! Especially if they all wore their bandannas.
I agree with Nancy that it should be a fenced in area. When we have our romps we go to a dog park and set up our lawn chairs in the very back in a half circle. The dogs really stay in our space and outside dogs rarely interfere. The doodles are a pack and other dogs accept that.



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