Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Okay, so I just got home from work and started to clean before dinner, and as I cleaned..... I noticed that I have added another "routine" cleaning chore to my weekly cleaning.... I have to go around all of my bedroom doors and scrub the door jams and and all the edge of the doors of my upstairs rooms to clean off "smudge" about knee high.  (anyone else have these 'mysterious smudges"??? I giggle because as I clean it I can picture a little nose going around trying to uh-hem "investigate" what's behind those closed doors.  Now if only I can giggle about the dust that accumulates, I'd be alright!  

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I love this, Adina!
The back windows of our car are constantly needing a cleaning. I tend to forget about it, until someone mentions it. My little brother got in the back of the car and I hear "EEEWWWW, what is on your windows?" ha ha. If an eight year old is grossed out by us, I know we are pretty bad!
Mine, too! Doodle art is what I tell my!
Those smudges are on all our windows and sliding glass doors around here, and I could care less. If company is coming I clean them, but what is the point, if u do them, they only get smudgy again in a heartbeat, so I have given up on cleaning them...We are used to the look, and truthfully the sun can be blinding coming thru those shiny clean windows, lol soon as I clean them they are I only clean the windows depending on the company =)
Just proves the truth to the old saying that you can't be a dog (doodle) lover and be house proud.
Now that you brought up the issue.....Duke is a major offender!! After he eats he's a mess! Sometimes Sheba goes up and licks his face as there are goodies buried in his beard and on his nose. He then has to look at himself in the black glass on the stove door, or push his face against the door or window glass and leave water from his beard streaming down the glass. When my son came to visit he complained about how gross the window glass was in the back door. He grabbed the windex and started to TRY to clean the glass. Finally he said, "Mom, what the heck is on this glass?"
I said, "Here, try this Brett" and handed him a razor blade. He said, "OMG that's so disgusting Mom, you clean it off!"
I reminded him how disgusting his room was when he lived at home how I had to give it a good cleaning. (In between his so called cleanings.) He gave me a cheesy grin and finished cleaning the glass until it sparkled!!
I have the same issue as Susan. Nose smudges on all the door windows and large windows - inside and out. We have a lot of such glass. It could be a full time job keeping up with them on a daily basis. I only do it a couple of times a week. Just wonder if there is a way to train this out of the doodle, but really do doubt that can be done.
Nah... I call it a visual for "outsiders" to know.... THAT house must be filled with LOVE!!!



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