Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So... I'd never watched "America's Got Talent." UNTIL last week, when I just happened upon the performance of the Olate Dogs as I changed channels.  WOW!  And I just heard that they WON the whole shootin' match!  This is amazing.... and of course, the big ending is performed by none other than Bella the doodle!  It's a great story of a family and great love for their dogs.  If you haven't seen them perform, enjoy!

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Michelle, I posted about them on their first audition, and we had a conversation about them. I had no idea though that they won! HOW EXCITING!

Just goes to show you how "out of the loop" I've been here.  LOL!!  Yes, I was THRILLED that they won. 

lol, no, I feel out of the loop! I didn't even realize they were still "on" the show! haha. Great video though the leapfrog is just fantastic! And they look like they (and hopefully they actually do) LOVE their dogs a lot!

I didn't post the finals here but it's up on YouTube.  They get into more the story of the father which is quite moving.  And the love is evident.  What joy!

Haha I'm watching it now.. If anyone else wants to see it :

The car thing is cute, but I liked the video you posted better. ;-] 

Ohhh i loveee the grand finale! made me laugh!  

Me, too - actually had to watch it twice in order to really appreciate it.  Great stuff!

Oh they borrowed my Bella For that show, didn't I mention it? Lol

I THOUGHT I recognized her!  :)

Yup, don't you love how well behaved she is? These dogs do look very happy with their people, tails wagging all over the place. I worry about hips with all the hind legs walking, but, heck, what do I know?

I worry so much about that but the kisses that the brown Bella dog gives her owner after Leap Frog really shows the doodle love and affection... It warms my heart.

Wowee--did they really win!!? Bella was amazing!! How cool! But I hope people out there don't start buying LDs expecting them to do back flips!! Mine won't even fetch!!



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