Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'm looking to get a goldendoodle over the summer before I start my new job. I'm getting married in September and want to surprise my fiancee with a doodle as sort of a wedding gift. We've always wanted a dog but just haven't been able to get one until now.


Both of us will be working, and while I want a Goldendoodle, I don't want to be unfair to it if it's going to be seriously affected by our absence during the day.


So for you owners, mind answering a few questions for me?


  • Do you live in an apartment? How does your Goldendoodle handle it?
  • How long is your Goldendoodle left alone each day?
  • How much exercise do they need?
  • How much do they bark? Can you train them to stop barking?
  • How difficult was the training period?
  • How big has yours gotten?
  • Where did you get your Goldendoodle?
  • How much does it shed?

For the most part I think that aside from the time away from home issue, we'll be able to provide the right environment for the dog.


It's killing us that apartment life and work life seems to interfere with having a four legged companion, so it'd be great to hear from some owners.


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Dex & Kirby definitely have more energy after a hair cut.  It is like night and day. 

There is no correlation between length of hair and energy. Except for maybe in the dead of summer.


But these dogs really do require a significant amount of grooming. They mat very easily especially when they are shedding their puppy coat as mats are quite common during that time. I was spending at least 30 minutes or more brushing per day and an hour plus for bathing once a week.

What is Bryce talking about!? She put this response up too. The longer you let their hair get, the less energetic they are? I have never heard of that. Gosh. She is making me sound stupid haha:) Huff is just lazy, it doesn't have anything to do with not shaving him. I have met goldendoodles that are shaved and are still lazy. Pay no attention to Bryce's reply.....
Maybe you should have her signify when she is posting, like signing off as Bryce, and you could do the same. Then we wouldn't get confused. :-)
Yes, we should do that haha:) I will tell her....
I just want to have everyone who is ever considering getting a dog...a really do their homework.  Doodles are the best but they can be high maintenance with the grooming, brushing, combing and clipping.  Also the boarding issue.  If you look at the shelters and kill shelters more and more Doodles are showing up because the families did not know what they were getting into.  Families with kids especially do not have the time it takes for the upkeep of their Doodles.  I really think the Doodles that are put in shelters are a result of people not wanting the commitment to the Doodle.  The days of the "family" puppy who is adorable and grows up to be a DOG and is left out in the back yard and thrown a bone is or should be over!!!  I think you should only get a dog if you are willing to make it part of your family and treat it as such.  If people do not want to go through the puppy stage then do a rehome.  There are tons of Doodles out there just looking for a home.
  • Do you live in an apartment? How does your Goldendoodle handle it?
  • I do not live in an apartment but I bet he could hadel it.
  • How long is your Goldendoodle left alone each day?
  • Never
  • How much exercise do they need?
  • Probobly 2-3 hours im not sure (my doodle is very lazy)
  • How much do they bark? Can you train them to stop barking?
  • Very little only to say im here or whats that or play with me
  • How difficult was the training period? Easy pottytraining and mostly easy if your only gonna teach the basics

How big has yours gotten? 85lbs (if you live in an apartment get a mini) from shoulder to butt: 30-31 in

  • Where did you get your Goldendoodle? A breeder in San Diego
  • How much does it shed? very little a little more at the changing of the season
  • Do you live in an apartment? How does your Goldendoodle handle it?   I live alone in a three bedroom house with a fenced in yard. Jack is a toy goldendoodle and is full grown at almost 13 pounds so he would do fine in an apartment as long as he got out to run. We currently throw  a toy from one side of the house to the other and he loves to chase it.


  • How long is your Goldendoodle left alone each day? I am unable to work at the moment so Jack and I are together almost always, except when I bring him to daycare to pay. When I worked full time the only time Jack was home was when he was too little for daycare, after that, I brought him to daycare every day I worked. I wanted him to be well socialized and tired after I worked all day, We did that for about six months before I went part time. Now I will leave him home for about five hours, every once in  a while but usually I have someone come play with him.
  • How much exercise do they need? I will tell you I thought because Jack was going to be so little that he did not need so much exercise, WRONG. The only time I don't have to exercise him is when he goes to daycare, he is too tired, otherwise, he gets at least two one mile walks a day, Plus backyard play, plus play groups  a few times a week with other neighborhood dogs. He will tolerate when I am sick a few days of  laying around but it gets to him after a while.


  • How much do they bark? Can you train them to stop barking? I remember how excited I was when Jack found his voice. Not so much anymore, He will stop barking when I go to him directy and tell him to stop. I don't usually tell him to stop barking though, I usually distract him and call him to me, I live alone and I want him to bark, plus that is what dogs do.
  • How difficult was the training period? Jack was a breeze to potty train, and also he was tired  a lot from daycare, He is very smart, most doods are. He still has areas that I have been working on since he was a puppy. Training is a life time commitment that you need to do and reinforce on a pretty consistent basis, you can't do it one day and then not the next, It just confuses them.
  • How big has yours gotten? Jack weighs in at just under 13 pounds but that is what we expected he is a Toy goldendoodle.
  • Where did you get your Goldendoodle? From  a wonderful breeder
  • How much does it shed? He is an F1b and he does not shed at all.

I really agree what others have said, when you have a dog, in some ways it is like having a child, you can not go out for drinks after work, even if they are in daycare, daycare closes, you can't work all week, then be out all weekend doing errands, Goldendoodles need their peeps or at least another dog to be with. They are not meant for solitude. For me, the biggest issue is when I am tired after being gone, he has slept the whole time I was gone so he doesn't care.. He is ready for a serious walk, some training and play time. You have to be willing to do that.


As far as boarding goes, I live on the east coast, Jack loves his daycare, I had to pull him out once because it was overcrowded... They have adorable rooms set up with tvs, beds, radios etc, It cost 50 dollars a night to board him there with daycare.  I am not a fan of boarding my dog, I have some of the best of the best daycares available to me, I think it is to much commotion to be there all day and all night, Jack loves to play but he loves to come home to his quiet house at night. It is a preference but either way, boarding or having someone come in, is expensive, worrisome and not the most idea thing.


If you have family or like Adina has someone to come stay for  while, I like that best for my boy. I am so glad you are researching to see if this is the time for you to get one or not.


Good luck...

  • Do you live in an apartment? How does your Goldendoodle handle it? No, we live in a cape cod home... but no fence.  We take him out.  He hates being outside alone anyway.  He is very much part of the family and only wants to be outside if we are outside.  He loves to play outside... with us or other dogs but he hates being alone outside so we don't do it.
  • How long is your Goldendoodle left alone each day? varies.  we always came home in the middle of the day as we were potty training and until we thought he was big enough to handle being alone.  We used the rule that he could handle being alone 1 hour per month (7 months=7 hours, etc.)  My husband's school schedule home is great now so he is home for MAYBE 2.5 hours from when I leave for work and my husband is home from school.  However, on long days he's gone 8 hours no problem... but we try to avoid these. We take him to doggie day care if it will be any longer then 8 hours.
  • How much exercise do they need?  Brinkley needs LOTS!!  Our vet said he runs more than a lot of Doodles.  He started running young.  He has a puppy friend of the same age that is a running dog so he's kept up with his buddy.  THere isn't an ounce of fat on him-- vet said he's trained to run so much that he now has a runner's body. :)  He does need to gain some weight thought.  I take him on three mile runs and he's tired right after that-- but after a cat--errr- doggie nap he's ready to go again.  Nothing tires him like an hour at the dog park.  
  • How much do they bark? Can you train them to stop barking? We live on a busy street and he barks if people are near our yard.  We haven't stopped him from barking.  He sounds mean even though he's not and like that since my husband works overnights.
  • How difficult was the training period?  I wanted to pull my hair out the first three days b/c of the yelping and peeing.  I thought over and over for those three days (felt like three years) "what have I done."  Things got better fast and now I couldn't live without him.  He never pooped in the house.  Had pee accidents for a couple weeks.  He now rings a bell on the doorknob when he needs to go out.
  • How big has yours gotten? He's 57 pounds... vet says he needs to gain at least 10 lbs maybe 15.
  • Where did you get your Goldendoodle? Breeder in PA-- if you need to know more private message me.
  • How much does it shed? none
Hope that helps.

I understand the desire to have a furry companion being an animal lover myself.  Starting a new job and getting married can be stressful.  Adding a puppy to the mix may or may not add unnecessary stress.

You said YOU want a goldendoodle.  What type of dog does your fiancee want? 

Being a responsible pet owner is time consuming and more so with a puppy.  Consider the additional expense for shots, good quality food, grooming, training and insurance is advisable for the unexpected.  Doodles are not a low maintenance dog like some other breeds.  Maybe you could dog sit a few times to see how it would work?  Or better yet foster a doodle in need. 

Congrats on getting married and the new job.  Good Luck

Honestly...get married...enjoy your honeymoon....start your life together!  All of this should take up most of your time for about a year into your marriage.  Maybe you should surprise your wife with a dog on your first anniversary.  By then you and your wife will have a routine that may well accomodate your puppy.  Goldendoodle puppies are the sweetest but they require a lot of care 24 hours a day. You have lots of enjoy yourselves for awhile and then add this glorious puppy to your lives!  I can tell you are a caring person because you asked all the right questions here.  Our goldendoodle Thomas is 2 1/2 years old...he is rarely alone....he runs for 2 hrs each day with a dog walker...and is walked for 1 hr each day.  He barks a bit at things but nothing much....he was potty trained in 10 days......he is 100 him from a breeder...he does not shed!!  Best dog in the world!!!



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