Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Before I post a picture...which may be a long time because I can't bring myself to take one......does anyone have a picture of a doodle with SHAVED ears and tail???????

I can beat any groomer horror story you've got....promise!  I am so angry I can't begin to put into words what I am feeling without using numerous expletives.  Murphy had some matting on his tail and coat.  He swims quite a bit and they get worse everytime he gets in the water.  He went to the groomer today and I knew she would need to do some repair work on the ears and take his tail down very short.  I was worried about the tail but had accepted it.  I went to pick him up and he is cut exactly like a Schnauzer.  She shaved his ears and tail along with the rest of his body.  Not only are they shaved they are all choppy with some long pieces here and there.  It is the most awful thing I have ever seen.

Did I mention that my sweet Murphy now has SHAVED EARS and Tail??????

All I can do is cry.

I don't want to post a picture because it is so awful.......everyone here is so supportive and I know you would feel like being kind but it is impossible.  There is no way this can be fixed and there isn't a liar on the earth good enough to be kind about it.

I have never seen a doodle with shaved ears....have you?  Anyone?  Got a picture?

I am going to go back to crying and drinking now. 

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LOL "groomed him with her teeth".  Most hilarious statement regarding grooming I've ever read!

No wonder you are crying.  That picture of the tail...what they did to your poor pooch is unacceptable.  That groomer is fired.  Maybe she was the one who was drunk.  Hang in there!



They really butchered the tail, didn't they?



I am speechless but I am thinking the half shaved was a tad better. Poor guy :-(
I do have to admit, that even on my worse day, with a hyper jumpy moving target to groom, I don't think even I could chop up a tail this bad. Nor would I leave it like this. The groomer can fix it some by making it more even. Certainly she can't make it worse can she? Well.....
Actually, I'm almost thinking that if she went back and asked to have it smoothed up that it could end up being worse.  It is already so short that if the groomer goes against the growth to smooth it up, poor little Murphy is going to be totally naked ..... and that would look really bad.  She may have actually done you a favor by leaving him like this.
Yep, me too.  I am going to just deal with it till I can get a couple weeks growth and then see what can be done about it.  In the meantime I am on a serious search for a groomer!  Michael (of Michael and Sunny) has a groomer she loves so I think I will try her.  Sunny's hair is a lot different than Murph's but Sunny always looks cute.   
Me again Ronna. Hope you are feeling a tad better today, but probably have a hangover from all the wine you drank to console you :) Anyway, crikey...I just saw that snap of Murphy's tail and I truly cannot believe a professional groomer REALLY did that !!!!! Surely, they were training someone and did not tell you!!!! Either way, it is done and I doubt very much if there is any repair job that would help that poor tail. I wanted to tell you that even though you are heart broken with all this, the outpouring of replies, and I read them all, were heart rendering and even I must say, thank you for posting and enjoy your midnight walks hee hee. Now you know, I can only say that because I have walked in your shoes a few months back and I would only take Frankie Girl out at night when no one was around...what a bunch of show off snobs we doodle owners are and how a bad grooming job can humble us so very quickly......

Walking in the dark wasn't all that bad this know, other than still being legally drunk...thank goodness we don't take a morning drive!  I've had coffee and tylenol and feeling much better now.

I was thinking maybe it wasn't the groomer....maybe the receptionist?  The UPS man?

I would cry too if I were you - DH and I always say basically "if you cut the tail, you're dead!".  But seriously, trim the beard and it will grow back just fine.  It will get better daily!

Why in the world would they just cut the tail off t the end?  Because it was easier than trying to leave a tapered end.
Crying and drinking. lol. Albus has shaved ears and he is completely beautiful. I love the way he looks but have been too chicken to try it with Kona yet.  The fact that it is all choppy with long bits among the short sounds like a really bad job. Not something you want to have to pay for!!! I groomed Kona for the first time yesterday and he is pretty uneven but he doesn't sound as bad as Murphy's professional groom. I'm so sorry you are going through this. It is crazy- making!
Wow...Murphy really does look like a different dog!  Traveler got pretty much shaved in November, but his ears and tail still had some hair.  It took a while before he looked like anything other than a skinny, naked poodle--3 or 4 months--as I recall.  I think growth was about 1/2 in. per month.  I'm so sorry you've had this awful experience with your sweet little guy!!!    



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