Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

There is a very special Hopeless Doodle Addict that deserves recognition for her significant contribution of time, effort, and love of dogs to Doodle Kisses.  She leads a popular interest group on DK and always does her best to help knowledge-seeking members navigate the confusing information on the web in order to feed their doodles appropriately.  If she doesn’t know the answer, she digs and digs until she finds it.  She doesn’t give recommendations without ensuring that her advice has strong supporting evidence from reputable sources. She does all of this is because she has a huge heart for dogs and a mind for science and wants to be sure that DK doodles get the best care and feeding.  :-)

Karen (Karen & Jackdoodle) has been a fearless leader of The Food Group and a thought leader throughout the Doodle Kisses community.  For this reason, we present Karen with official recognition.  Today, Karen, your postal worker will be dropping off a token of our appreciation.  I will post photos of it below once I know Karen has received it.

A few people who I let in on this surprise ahead of time had some praise of their own to add:

From Allyson (Allyson Peri & Taquito):

“Karen has given countless hours of her time to educate members of DK, especially those members of the Food Group, on the dos and donts of feeding our doodles (and non-doodle dogs!). Whenever a member has a question about a specific food that might not be on the Recommended List, Karen takes the time (on a volunteer basis I should add) to research that food to determine whether it is of high enough quality for our wonderful doodles.  Sometimes this involves reaching out to manufacturers to determine ingredient sources and more.

On a more personal note, when Taquito was diagnosed with kidney disease 4 years ago, Karen spent so much time researching alternative commercial kibbles that had comparable, but much better ingredients, than the Rx food recommended by the vet.  I cannot explain how much her guidance helped me navigate through a very difficult time.  I can assure you there are countless other members who would chime in and say the exact same thing about her.  Whenever someone posts a question about their doodles digestive problems, concerns, etc...Karen is there!”

From Laurie (Laurie, Fudge & Vern):

“When I first joined DK, I wrote that my dog, Fudge, was eating a terrific food called Life's Abundance. I may have also mentioned that I knew of another great food called Science Diet. Well, the next thing I knew I had my ass handed to me on a platter by none other than our Karen. WTD! Here, I was sure I was an expert on any topic and I quickly found out I don't know nothing about birthing no babies or feeding dogs either.  I think a plate is perfect for Karen and represents all of us who she has counseled in her no nonsense way, educated about truly good dog food, and handed our sometimes smug posteriors to us on a less cool plate. I think it should be engraved, "This represents all the butts everywhere you have helped!" I really would trust Karen with anything in regards to my dogs and that is saying a lot, because I love those two dogs like nobody's business. Thank you, Karen! Fudge and Vern have benefited in so many ways from all of your knowledge!!”

From Jane (Jane, Guinness & Murphy)

“When my older Doodle, Guinness, was first diagnosed with IBS my Vet suggested that I begin to feed him RX food.  Because of Karen’s research and all of the great information in the food group, I knew that this would not be the best thing for Guinness.  So with Karen’s guidance I began  to do some research on home cooked diets.  I consulted with a nutritional veterinary specialist and was able to develop a recipe that was balanced and would help to control what had become daily episodes of diarrhea.   Later when my second Doodle received the same diagnosis, I knew exactly what I had to do.  I really think that if it were not for Karen and the [DK Food Group], my guys would be eating that RX food which is clearly not the wholesome diet that they deserve.”


Karen, thank you for all you have done and continue to do for doodles and doodle owners!


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Congratulations! Very much deserved. I have only been a DK member for a short time but in that short time I have learned so much from Karen and the wealth of knowledge she has is not only incredible but inspiring. I thought I knew so much about everything there is to do about dogs and I am in aw by what Karen knows and how little I actually know lol! When ever I have a question I search the discussions and search to see what Karen has to say! Thank you so much for all the research you do for all of us and of course thank you Jack for being apart of her life and bringing her to us!

Thank you, Brittney!

Ripple effect

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ripples on water

ripple effect is a situation where, like the ever expanding ripples across water when an object is dropped into it, an effect from an initial state can be followed outwards incrementally.

In sociology, it can be observed how social interactions can affect situations not directly related to the initial interaction,[2][page needed] and in charitableactivities where information can be disseminated and passed from community to community to broaden its impact.[3]

If each of us stops to think how many times we have passed on information regarding feeding, rescue, allergies or medical problems that Karen has passed on to us....whoa.

Sincere thanks Karen for your dedication and unending patience with us.

"LIKE" :)

Thank you, BG! 

So true!

Such a well-deserved award!  Karen is endlessly generous with her time and knowledge.  When I came to DK, I was feeding Trav Science Diet, because that's what the vet had in his office.  I was truly horrified to find out that there were much better foods and the vet wasn't the most knowledgeable person around regarding dog nutrition.  I've seen her patiently help person after person as they've searched for the right food or care for a beloved dog.  Thank you, Karen!!!!

Thank you, Pat! 

Yes, thank you Karen! As you may recall, Tara was in a deep depression after realizing that she had become a chubby doodle. Thanks to your recommendation of the Green Bean Diet she is now happy again after loosing the extra tonnage and she has a new bounce in her step. :)

Also, I can't tell you how many times I've printed off the Recommended Dog Food list to share with people. Due to your most excellent research skills I am totally confident that I am giving people excellent advise for their dogs :) Sometimes I read your potst and am amaze at the amount of knowledge you have stored in your massive brain! :) Thanks for sharing it will all of us!!

Thanks, Ricki!

I think this is awesome and Karen is so well deserving of this honor. I, too, have consulted with Karen, most recently with our newly adopted Buzz and his food needs and I can truly say with all my heart it is so comforting to have someone to turn to who is both knowledgeable and caring for our pets. She helps take the mystery out of the daunting amounts of choices out there making our jobs so much easier. Thank you, Karen!

Thank you, Donna!



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