Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Subject: Fw: FW: Without a single word, this says it all - "wear your seatbelt
This is pretty exceptional.

This is the new "wear your seatbelt" ad the UK is doing - started by some dude not hired to do it, but because the cause is important to him, he came up with this idea, and now it's being hailed across the world as a "beautiful" commercial....

And now the video has become so popular with the general public that people are forwarding it to friends/family on their own so quickly that it has spread all over the world in a very short time.

Check out this remarkable ad."

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very cool

This says so much in such a short commercial!


I saw this before. It is amazing that such a powerful message can be told with no words. It was a brilliant idea.

Beautiful.  My father- in -law was the force behind passing the seat belt law in Michigan, the first state to have one. This was many years ago.  Now I think New Hampshire, for reasons I can't imagine, just removed their seat belt law.

Hope this really goes viral...


Powerful video!  Thanks for sharing!

I am such a voice for seatbelts.  In my younger days I rebelled against them in a big way because I had two family members (my brother and grandfather) that would most likely (words of the State patrol) have been killed had they been wearing their seatbelts.  My brother at 17 wrapped his car around a tree on the drivers side and my grandfather was hit on the drivers side door when he pulled out in front of a semi while pulling a travel trailer.  Both lived, most likely because they were NOT wearing seatbelts.  Then, when I was working with the Civil Service in England I had to go to the UK driver's training class on Base before being allowed to drive in the UK.  They showed a movie entitled "Room to Live".  It show case after case (walking through a junkyard) of horrific accidents where if one were belted in, there was room to live remaining in the smashed up vehicles!  From that day forward I've never had myself or anyone in my vehicle that was not buckled in.  I have previously seen this video and thought it was amazing and the message I sent out with it on FB was Yes, buckle up, you and your pets!

Interesting comment from the State Patrol. My DH was a Firefighter / Paramedic for 30 years and he has always said he rarely pulled a dead person from a car, wearing a seatbelt, but have picked up many more who were thrown out of cars or thrown through windshields. Of course a lot depends on the impact but the odds are stacked very high in ones favor that you will survive more with a seatbelt on than without. Good for you for always being an avid advocate.

Wow. that was very powerful. I have never in my life gone in a car without a seatbelt. I can't imagine doing that. It would feel so wrong.

what a wonderful video!!


Have worn seatbelts since the 70's, very touching and something everyone should see.  Thank you for posting it.



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