Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
My 8 week old labradoodle just met another dog for the first time ( my friends dog, a 5 month old bichon frise cross) and he was really scared! The little dog bounded at him and he ran away sqealing and even after an hour of being in the same room wouldn't get off my lap and play with the other dog, is this normal?!
it can be normal if you have a submissive dog. When Cooper was a puppy she got chased at a park by lots of little dogs (not aggressively) and she is since very respectful of all other dogs. I use the term respectful because she is always excited to see another dog, but is submissive.
You pup is only 8 weeks old, so has only been away from his mom and litter mates for a few days (assuming you got him at the recommended minimum age of 8 weeks). So most things are likely to be scary for him. Dont let him on your lap or overly comfort him, or you will be teaching him that scared is the correct reaction. if the other dogs gets too much for him, sperated them, put one into a crate for a while
If you got him younger than 8 weeks, then you must do lots of socializing with him, preferably with an older dog (who you trust), as he will have missed out on some very important lessons from his Mom
* week old pups can get hurt playing with an older dog too--the best play is with one their own age or a very gentle older dog--a 5 month old pup may be the same size but is more mature and coordinated and can outsmart the 8 week old pup--then there is the question of vaccinations and how much your puppy should be exposed to before he is completely protected.
At this point, it is very important to work on the pup's confidence in your home and with you--it is too early to be testing the boundaries. Have patience! I agree that putting him on your lap or saying that's OK is telling him that he is making the right decision to be scared. You need to separate them and WAIT until the pup is older and less afraid--take baby steps!! First impressions can be lasting ones, so all of his experinces need to be POSITIVE ones!! Better to remove him from the frightening experience and try later than to comfort him thru it.
Finn was scared the first time he met another dog, but quickly got over it. I had to remain calm so he wouldn't pick up on my energy and could gain confidence. I think you just keep exposing him to dogs that won't hurt him and let him work through the fear. He is just a baby so it may take time but try having the other dog on a leash so your puppy can go at his own pace and use calm voices and encouraging tones in your voice when they meet. Finn plays with other dogs very well now although he is appropriately cautious for about 2 seconds!
Tara was very uncomfortable with other puppies when she was a puppy. She was much more comfortable with older, calmer adult dogs. At puppy class she ran from the puppies and ended up in the corner screeching with fear! Don't get me started on THAT but the point is that she has never liked puppies and to this day (now 3 years old) really has no interest in interacting with other dogs. She really prefers the company of humans, which is fine with me! :)
I think every puppy is different and going to react differently. When we brought Vern home as a puppy and he met our Labradoodle, Fudge (1 year), he peed all over himself and made noises like you can't believe. We took them on a car ride together and by that night, they were fine and have been fine ever since. I think a puppy class would be wonderful for your puppy where he can meet and interact with other puppies. I know in our puppy classes, there were some very eager puppies and others that sat back and watched. Fudge ran around the perimeter until she felt comfortable and then jumped in full speed. Vern stayed close to me, but as he felt more comfortable, he started playing, too, and each week played better and better. They are all so different.
I'm surprised that so many people feel this is normal. The only time I have ever seen an 8 week old puppy be afraid of another puppy is when the dog came from a pet store (puppy mill) situation, where the dog was born and lived in a cage and never had the experience of playing or interacting with the other puppies in the litter.
Most puppies first go home from their breeders at 8 weeks old. Did you just get your puppy this past weekend? If that's the case, he's still a little shell-shocked from this huge change in his life: leaving everything and everyone he has ever known, including his mother, and going to a completely unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people where nothing even smells the same.
He may just need a little time to adjust to his new surroundings, family, and routine so he can start to feel a little more secure.
I think he'll be fine, he just needs a little more time to get adjusted to his new home and family. Then he'll feel more secure.
Maybe scared isn't the right word, maybe it's skeptical. I don't think a healthy puppy will stay scared for long. Finn was surprised when we introduced him to our friends big dog and that dog told him "don't lunge at my face!" by giving Finn a growl. Finn retreated back to me quickly, but I immediately gave him love and sent him back over to play. He was raised in a healthy environment with lots of puppies and other dogs around but he was still adjusting to a new environment.
Are there any puppy socials around you? At something like a puppy social, he'd get to play inside with pups closer to his age and size so he can socialize without being overwhelmed. At the social I took Beckett to for the first time yesterday, they have a group for small/shy puppies, one for med or rambunctious puppies, and another for large or older pups. There was also a trainer there to moderate, which was really nice. 8 weeks is pretty young to be out and about though! I've read that even dogs that are up to date on their vaccines can track in diseases that a young puppy can get sick from. But if you're going to socialize him with other dogs right now, I think puppy socials might be a good option :)
This was my little Kona the first day she came home at 8 weeks and she met her new brother :)
I think he was trying to tell her to go away, and she said, no way brother!
When Kona knows she is safe with nice playful dogs, she loves to bark and play. But if she is uncomforable, she stations herself between my legs for safety.
Your little one may just need a calmer less dominant puppy to play with at first... Keep us posted as she grows!
OMD, that little thing speaking up for herself is the cutest thing ever! !
LOL I know, I am so glad I caught it on tape. I knew she was going to fit in perfectly :) I have a few more videos of them as she grew just a little bigger, and Buddy is rolling on the floor and she is tumbling all over him. He really is a great big brother.
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