Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Thank you all for being on my side and helping me get through this. I have not met any of you doodle moms and you are all there for me and Hurley. You know I am fighting hard for him. Today, I talked to someone I see a lot and she told me that I should just put Hurley to sleep....I was so upset. She said that he has too many problems and I should just put him down and get another puppy. Of course, she said if it was her, she would do that.

You all have been my rock...I wish I could meet you all and give you understand what I am going through. Hurley is not in pain. He just has these horrible cysts on his head. Yes, they keep rupturing and getting infected, but with this surgery, they will be removed. He will have a long life. I won't even think of me not having Hurley in my life. I told the woman I was talking to that I am fighting for Hurley. There is no way he will be put to sleep over cysts on his head. A lot of you are right, this is harder on me than Hurley. He does not have cancer, they are not in his brain and he is not in any pain. I will keep on fighting for my dog until he has surgery and they are gone.

Thank you for all our support. I love you all!!

Regina and Hurley

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Well said!!

Yes, I completely agree.  Regina, you are a wonderful Doodle Mom who is committed to her dog.  I just know this is going to turn out okay.

And we will continue to be here thru thick and thin! Be brave!

You are the best, Regina!

Oh for heaven's sake some people.  I think of Hurley as having bad dog acne and he will get over it!

Yes, he is jsut going through his "teen years"


I have been following along and praying for you and Hurley.  He is blessed to have you as his rock and to have you fight for him!

Regina, you set a good example for that person you talked to today. I hope that she begins to rethink the value of dogs and the responsibility that comes with dog ownership! They are NOT disposable!!!!!

Tara and I are sending you and Hurley a BIG hug!

Regina~ You are doing the right thing for Hurley, we support your decision in not giving up on Hurley, he has his whole life ahead of him. Praying for his surgery, the bill to be paid and the cysts never to return again. Be strong. We are here for you.((Hugs))

Doodle Kisses from Jersey and Jasmine

That was just plain rude and insensitive!   Don't give it another thought!   I hope she doesn't own a dog.   People do say the rudest things sometimes.    You wouldn't believe some of the things that I heard when  I first got the diagnosis for Cooper and some of them were from a Vet Tech at the Specialty Clinic. 

You are doing the right thing by coming here where we care and focusing all you energy on the positive things about Hurley.  

I wish I could give you and Hurley a hug, too. I'm so sorry you are both going through this hard time. I am sure there will better times ahead. love and doodlekisses. xo

We are here to support you and Hurley.



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