Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

As I have mentioned, Huff close to never kisses us. He kisses people he meets. There is this peson who supplies dog food to our shop and Huff LOVES her and her son. He kisses them all the time. So that got me wondering. Who is your doodles favorite person?

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Darwin's favorite person = whoever has food.
Wow, so is Huff's!:)

Bodi loves me the most!  I am the one who walks him at 5:30 am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Stuart & Rooney love ME!!!!   I'm there momma!
Definitely me.
That would be me...with my husband as a pretty close second : ) Casper doesn't give many kisses either!
It's a bit of a relief to hear that Lachlan's not completely abnormal! *grin* I know that Lach loves me, but he isn't as over the top excited to see me as he is, say, his Uncle Jeff (my best friend). With me, he's more "quietly" affectionate, if that makes sense: Leaning against my legs for a hug, resting his head on my lap and looking at me with those big soft eyes ... with Jeff he goes absolutely ape-bonkers, yelping and bouncing and kissing like a furry maniac!
Hahaha That is just like Huff:)

I think my fiance is Luna's favorite person.  She makes VERY loud wookie noises/growls and howls when he comes home - ever heard a doodle try to howl?


She does love me a lot though - and misses me when I'm gone.  She also respects me and listens to me more because I do most of her training.  I'm glad she listens to me - makes my life easier ;)

That must be cute:) I have never really heard a doodle try to howl. :) You should take a video of it.:)

I guess I'll have to keep my camera ready for when he comes home ;) One of Luna's nicknames is "rooster" because when she "howls" it sounds a little like one :p



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