Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am feeling a little discouraged here.  I have 2 doodles, Tura and Dolly.  Tura has fine, curly hair which I have been able to clipper cut and get the mats out and keep on top of.  Dolly on the other hand has thick long wavy hair that mats easily.  Every time I have to leave town, I leave them with a fellow doodle owner and every time I come back Dolly is a mess.  Last time (Feb), I had to have her shaved down.  This time, same thing, I was determined to get the mats out myself and use the 3 3/4 blade to give her a shorter haircut.  She cries and jumps and wiggles everytime I get near a mat and there are tons of them.  I have been working on her for a week and getting nowhere.  I knew the attachment combs wouldn't go thru the mats but I thought the blade would (alas no).  So I have an appt to have her shaved again.  I am disappointed but once she is mat free, hopefully I can keep on top of it.  Needed to vent.

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Sorry to hear of your matt problems.  My groomer solved my frustrations.  She sold me a tool that is specifically for matts.  It has about 5 curved fork looking things and one side of them is very sharp.  You slip these prongs just under the matting as if you are combing them out, and it cuts them right out.  My dogs flinched a little, but nothing compared to trying to get them out with a regular comb or slicker brush.
I have one of those tools, I have been using it for a week and cannot get all of them out.  So bummed.

Sorry, a coat has to be prepared and totally matte free to use a clipper. Other than that you shave to the skin.

Scissoring a coat shorter is the only way to handle this situation. Scissor to 1 or 2 inches, brush and comb then even it out with a scissors or wash and use the clipper.


I'm so sorry that Dolly is so matted!

I know how frustrating it is...when you have your Dood mat free,,,and have to go away...only to come home to Mats...Mats...and More Mats!!

That happens when we go away too...and I'm in the process right now of trying to work on getting rid of the matting!

I'm planning to do what Barb suggested...and scissor cut Sasha to one or two inches...and not use a clipper.

I'll see if if I can get things "under control"!

I started already...but am going a litle at a time...seeing just how short i will have to go.

So far...So good...and she is about two and a half inches now..and I'm getting on top of the matting.

I'm finding that Cowboy Magic is really helping too!

It really does take A Lot of patience.

I understand your frustration and disappointment...and I'm sure that we've all been there at one time or another.

After you have Dolly shaved...I'm sure that you will be able  to stay on top of things.

It's just so difficult when you have to be away and leave them for a while...and they aren't being groomed as you would normally do!

Don't worry...Dolly's coat will grow So fast...and be Beautiful!!



By the way...what's the name of the tool that you and Jane are talking about?

I use the Les Pooch Mat Zapper...but...I would be interested in knowing what you're talking about??






It's made by Safari and called a De matting comb. I just looked it up on Amazon about $10.  Have you any idea how to scissor cut?  I'll have to look for a video on Youtube cuz I haven't a clue.  Do you use Cowboy Magic just on a mat or do you put on when she's wet or what?

Thanks for the info about the De Matting Comb Jeanne.

I'll have to look into getting one to add to my collection...

I do scissor cut...and find it quite simple...and I feel that it give you Much more control.

You can find videos on it that would be helpful...

As far as Cowboy Magic...

I use it to loosen mats..and I also use it after I groom Sasha...

I just put a nickel size amount of it in my palm...and rub my hands together...

Then I run my hands over her body...head to toe.

You keep adding Cowboy Magic as needed....just a little at a time.

It is a great conditioner...and it also repels dirt.

I really do love it!!

For a mat...I put a small amount of Cowboy Magic in my hands...mostly on my fingers this time...and rub it into the mat...

I let it sit for a short while...and then begin to "pull apart the mat with my fingers"...

You actually can use your fingers to pull the mats apart...which is amazing!

If it's a really difficult can take a scissor and cut into the mat a little break it up.

Be Very Careful to keep your fingers between the skin and the bottom of the that there isn't a possibility of cutting your Dood.

I've never had an accident...because I Always have my fingers between the skin and the scissors.

When you break up the mat with the can then easily pull it apart...because the Cowboy Magic will have loosened the fur.

I never put the Cowboy Magic on Sasha when she is wet.

I hope this is helpful...


Here's the before and after.   Didn't realize how "poodle-y" she looks underneath...
Oh my that's what 'shaved' looks like!  Funny how the poodle comes out when they are cut so short on the face.  She looks adoreable in the first picture.  I love the angle.  :)  I wonder how my Charlie would look shaved...he is a bit more stocky but just today when I bathed him I was reminded of how skinny his neck and legs are underneath all the fluff.



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