I misread one word in a post the other day, and a funny phrase popped into my head. (That happens to me a lot; I really amuse myself.) I decided the funny phrase would be a great name for a gardening store. I sent it to someone else, and they came up with a great gardening store name of their own. So here they are:
Mulch Ado About Nothing He Sod, She Sod
So c'mon, gardeners. Put your creative thinking caps on, and tell us what your gardening store would be called.
P.S. I should let it be known that I could never really own a gardening store. I'm not good with plants, so I would kill all of my inventory in the first few days. Although, that could be a good sales pitch. "Get your plants today, before Leslie kills them!"
I could never own a Garden store, definitely not. I am horrible at keeping plants alive! However, I saw a little store today named "Avant-Garden" and I that that was really cute!