Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
we installed an electric fence back in the fall. It's great. Axl has a blast running around the back yard in between his daily walks. Our neighbor's dog likes to come inside the perimeter to say hi to Axl. Which is fine. She's a nice very well trained somewhat older dog. BUT she always brings her ball in with her and Axl grabs it. And its hard to get it away from him. My neighbor is getting increasingly angry that Axl takes Gracie's ball. Our "release" command still needs some work, but otherwise Axl is well trained as well. How do I be polite about the sharing problem when it's on my property? I guess I have to handle it like a kids playdate but im dealing with a 60 pound 4-legged fast-as-lightening"kid."
I totally agree with Julie. And you have even more rights to his dogs ball than a kid would have to a kid's ball because dogs don't do 'sharing' like kids are supposed to. Your dog's level of training is a different issue and for your sanity I would put some serious obedience training into your dog so you can say "Axl Come!" then "drop it" and get whatever your dog has. But that's not your neighbor's concern.
Yep- you can't control the neighbor's dog coming on to your property. You have done your part by containing your dog, they need to do the same for theirs. Play dates could still be planned.
I AGREE with Julie! When I read this post, I actually thought that your neighbor had a lot of nerve. Maybe you didn't really want his dog coming into your yard in the first place. Did they ever think of that? I mean, sometimes, maybe, but it should be a planned thing, like what Julie said. I guess if his dog were to come into your yard and Axl bit him or something, it would be YOUR dog's fault?? I don't think so. You are in an uncomfortable position, because obviously you want good relations with the neigbors, and the dogs seem to like each other, which is great. Like Julie said, I would tell your neighbors that you don't feel comfortable with the dog coming over unless you are aware beforehand (in case anything should happen) and also not to bring the ball. DUH!
This reminds me of people who bring toys to the dog park and then complain when those toys end up in the possession of other dogs. I agree with what's already been said here--these are separate issues. Of course you should keep working with Axl on recall and drop it, because you want an obedient dog. But asking him to be responsible for your neighbor's dog's toys is ridiculous. I hope your neighbor is willing to have a civil conversation about it. Perhaps as a peace offering you could bring a few balls over to your neighbor and then explain that you don't think the dogs are going to be able to learn to "share" like she wants, so maybe the balls could be considered community property. You might want to also mention that you don't mind Gracie being in your yard--perhaps that will wake her up to the reality of her dog's role in the situation.
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