Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Does anyone else have a puppy that goes absolutely bonkers at night? Cooper is pretty calm and well behaved for most of the day and I try to get in lots of exercise, play and training time. But, every night at around 8 p.m., and again right before bed, this guy goes bananas! He can be fast asleep before his last pee and then as soon as I bring him back in he wants to run laps around the house. Anyone else have a night owl puppy? This guy can go from 0 to 60 in 2 seconds flat. I am hoping this is a puppy thing and that his energy levels will become a bit more balanced when he's older????

Also, I've noticed that he doesn't like to relax when he's on my lap. I've invited him up on the couch a few times to sit on my lap, thinking he may just go to sleep. But no.... he will just want to play. I see all these pictures of pups passed out on their owners laps and it makes me wonder if I'm going to have one hyperactive pup. Any thoughts?

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Elizabeth, I just wrote a blog about how our two dogs are so different in the way they sleep. Our Vern is like your Cooper. He has gotten better with age.

Both our puppies did this.  We call it the zoomies.  Very funny to watch. Kylie (maltese) is 7 and still has a zoomie after a bath.  Pippin is 8 months and doesn't zoomie every day anymore but will after a bath or whenever the mood strikes.  I think it is the last energy of the day being burned off.  BTW, both our "humans" kids did this as well right through age 3 or 4. 

Our Kai is 17 months old...we walk him usually twice a day, if weather permitting, take to dog parks usually once a week, he swims and sleeps during the day. Like clock work around 8:00pm he is ready to play full force when we are winding down for the day...he plays with his tennis ball and throws it in our laps and insist we throw it for him...lots of energy...then within 30 to 40 minutes he quiets down I take him out for his last pee and he runs laps around the yard...he will then get a little aggressive by jumping and nudging me with his nose...I put a stop to it right then. I say inside and then we go in and he settles down and we all get to sleep. Must run in the family genes....

Sadie is generally a very laid back puppy, but at around 8:00 in the evening (exactly when I might want to watch a little TV--coincidence?) she gets very antsy, no matter how much exercise she's gotten that day (and she gets between 2 and 3 hours of exercise a day). She wants to go play in the yard, which by 8:00 is already pretty dark and buggy. If I'm at my computer (which is in the room that opens onto the yard) she'll paw the door and whine and start to bark. If I continue to ignore her, she'll look high and low for something forbidden to carry around, like a shoe or my pajamas or anything I've been stupid enough to leave lying around. Thankfully this passes fairly quickly and she's usually calm by 9:00 and fast asleep in the bedroom by 10:00.


Zoomies, out of the blue. I tried to correlate it with post feeding or a snack "sugar rush". Winston gets them several times a day, he runs, runs and runs in large circles, then stops and drops, they are pretty hilarious to watch. I pet him him when he is in his relaxed state of mind and I mean I REALLY pet him all over (nothing weird) just making sure I get his feet, beard, legs, etc. I persisted in the beginning to let him know that petting was not optional. Now he just plops right on top of me like "hey mom, where's that massage? Cooper is so darn cute:-)



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