Living in SC, the cold isn't a huge problem for us, except I feel as if my blood has gotten thinner in the 10 yrs. I've been here, so it's relative to a point. Lily does LOVE being outside, even when it's below freezing, or raining, or whatever. I'm new to dog ownership, but the other day when it was both cold and rainy, we played fetch with me sitting at the bottom of our back stairs, throwing a stuffed toy up the stairs (there is a door at the top, so she can't keep going). She loved it and it exhausted me just watching her! If I behave I'm supposed to be getting an elliptical for Christmas -- we don't have a treadmill anymore. I'm hoping she'll get so she'll hang out with me while I do it... I don't think at her current puppy stage she's ready for a treadmill anyway.
Permalink Reply by Ali on December 15, 2008 at 3:50pm
I have a puppy too, and I think a treadmill would just scare her at this point. That would be a funny sight to see.
Permalink Reply by Sandy on December 15, 2008 at 11:25am
Good question. Everything melted here overnight, and Toby is dragging in a ton of dirt/mud today. Tomorrow it's going to be way below zero again, and hopefully the yard will freeze over again. For now all we are doing is walking, and running around the yard. I'm looking for an indoor puppy play group.
Permalink Reply by Ali on December 15, 2008 at 3:53pm
If you can't start one on your own, I take Lola to doggy day care. I don't work full time, but I just want her to socialize with nice dogs indoors once in a while. She goes for 8 hours during the day (they have a nap time for the dogs between 12pm and 2pm). When I take her she starts whining and pulling on the leash with her tail going non-stop, she gets so excited. How do you find an indoor puppy play group? This would be cheaper than day care.
Permalink Reply by Ali on December 15, 2008 at 8:30pm
I love that show. If you build a hamster wheel you are going to have to video your dogs on it. I think everyone would love it.
Permalink Reply by Ali on December 16, 2008 at 8:06pm
I am so proud of myself. I put on long underwear and took lola on a 45 minute walk in the cold.