Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So, I've put my deposit down and now I just have to wait. I'll either get a puppy from a littler to be born in August or I'll likely have to wait until Feb, 2012. Problem is, I feel like I've become obsessed with puppies. Anyone else out there who have had to wait for so long? How did you do it?

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Wow, and I thought waiting for 3-1/2 months was a long time! I was a hot mess while I waited just that long. Like you, I was obsessed with puppies while waiting. The things that did seem to help were getting all the necessary supplies and equipment for a new dog/puppy, keeping in mind the puppy grows fast and will be into larger sizes in no time at all; doing lots of research on training and socialization, looking into puppy romps and formal training classes and the requirements for getting started on those; researching the best food (the Food Group here on DK is a great place to start); thinking about ways to puppy-proof the house, including finding the right sized gates for containing the puppy to certain rooms; looking into potty training methods and the best course of action to take; obtaining grooming tools for ongoing doodle grooming; deciding on puppy names, sex, size, temperament, activity level, etc., that best suited our needs; looking into pet insurance, and lastly, deciding on a good vet. Oh, I'm sure there was much more but I'm having trouble remembering everything right now. If nothing else, these things will keep you focused on puppies, AND keep you busy. It will still be hard waiting, don't get me wrong. I knew I wanted a puppy from a future litter of a particular mom and dad, but had only an inkling of when they might be mated. Once I knew that mom was pregnant I put my deposit down, so it really wasn't until then that the wait for me began. Good luck!

I could be in the same boat as you!  I'm waiting to hear whether the mum is pregnant but if not then it may be August.  I am obsessed with these particular puppies, not any old puppy.  It has to be a Labradoodle with a fleece coat either chocolate or caramel in colour, male or female, big paws, gentle,calm and intelligent.  (not too much to ask? eh?) I've paid my deposit and put aside the balance.  I have started collecting toys, crates, beds and done loads of research regarding grooming tools, food and day care.  (I think I could write a thesis at this stage). Oh and I am trying not to keep contacting the breeder lest she thinks I'm some kind of nut!

Best of luck to both of us....



So funny...about the number of times you've contacted the breeder!  Me too, Nicky!  I actually told my breeder once time via eamil if she wanted to call me to speak to me directly, to please do so!  I'm doing just as you and it's so much fun!  Llike planning for a newborn baby!  (Remember those days!).  My husband keeps seeing the supplies coming in!

Thanks Debb and Nicky. Hearing that you had a hard time waiting makes me feel slightly less insane. I have emailed my breeder a million times. She has been great though. I guess we aren't the only impatient soon-to-be puppy mommies that they have dealt with. Thanks for your suggestions, Debb. My puppy is sure going to have a lot of food and toys when he gets here! And I just ordered a puppy gate with a little cut-out for my cat. Nicky, I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get your puppy sooner rather than later.

Waiting until August would be hard enough but waiting until next February would REALLY be tough!!  My puppy was just born and waiting 9 weeks to get he/she is going to be hard enough.  But like Debb said, you have lots of time to getting all of your supplies and equipment.  Good luck with the waiting.  We will all agonize with you!!
Congratulations, Connie! I can't wait to see photos! When will you know which one is yours? Waiting has been difficult, but I've kind of accepted that it's not going to happen soon. That said, I'm sure I'll be disappointed if there's not a puppy for me in the earlier litter. Anyway, I've been reading everything I can get my hands on about puppies and drooling over puppy photos. I'm so glad I found this place.
The puppies are allocated at 7 weeks of age and they were just born this past Sunday so it's going to be awhile until I know which one will be mine.  Since I only live an hour and a half from the breeder, I'm hoping that she will let me come and meet my baby as soon as he/she is allocated to me.  Then I'll have to wait another 3 weeks to bring the puppy home.  But I would love to get my puppy 'fix' first!
Oh, how exciting! I think your co-workers have the right idea... I hope your breeder take lots of pictures while you wait for your "baby" to come home. I'll be following all of you new puppy owners closely. :)
Just discovered this group!  Now we can all go crazy together!  My puppy will be born I should be bringing home a mid-July puppy!  The summer can't come fast enough! If you're puppy is born in August, are you not picking it up at 8 weeks old?  That would be torture!!
Hi Gayle, It's always nice to have someone else to obsess with. I spend all day on doodle websites. Anyway, I got it wrong when I said the puppies would be born in August. Actually, they would likely be born in June or July and come home in August or September. I just now heard from the breeder that an earlier litter isn't going to happen, so I'm a little worried that might mean that I get pushed farther down the list. I'm trying so hard to stay calm and accept whatever happens, but that's really not in my nature. :-)

I'm waiting for our doodle as well.  Just born 2 days ago.  I was fine knowing she was due in May.  Now that they were born, I'm dying to know which one is ours.  I am leaning towards a female.  I feel like I could use a puppy shower bc I know I'll need more supplies.  Just like having kids, I've loaned out or given away all our puppy stuff from years past.  Good luck everyone!


I am waiting on my puppy that is due to come home in August.  Funny thing is August didn't seem that far away when I decided on my breeder and put my deposit down.  Now I feel like August is SO far



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