Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Kathie and the gang
  • san anselmo, CA
  • United States
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Kathie and the gang's Friends

  • DJ & Chance
  • Gail Piro
  • Heather and Rocky
  • Becky and Murphy
  • Jaynie Perry
  • Karen Farr
  • Stephanie and Jellybean
  • Pam Mayfield
  • Carole
  • Sparky Yang
  • Deanna & Desi & Cori
  • Doris, Knox & Flash
  • Valarie
  • Karen and Tigger
  • Mikol & Omni

Kathie and the gang's Discussions

Need a gardener?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Tamara & Giada Jun 27, 2010. 6 Replies


Kathie,Winston, Bella, Jaxs and Freya

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Comment Wall (111 comments)

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At 4:50pm on December 27, 2012, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

Thank you for the Happy New Year card! I loved looking at all the photos!!

At 3:26pm on November 6, 2012, Rae said…
Hi Kathie, if you want to exchange Holiday Cards you need to become a member of the Holiday Card 2012 group and then go into the discussion ADDRESSES GO HERE & enter your address. It is really a lot of fun giving and getting cards from everyone. Hope you'll join us!
At 3:44pm on October 5, 2012, DJ & Chance said…

Thanks for the welcome.  Love your slideshow!

At 7:45pm on August 27, 2012, Joanne ~ Spud* said…

Love the Jazzy Blues Music on your page  :)    Came in to visit and snoop around.  Glad I did. Nice in here. Love the dogs. 

At 8:33pm on September 30, 2011, Gail Piro said…
She is a mini  only 5 lbs right now. However she plays with a golden lab every few days. I will check with my vet. Thanks.
At 8:49am on September 30, 2011, Gail Piro said…
She will have had 3 sets. Is that enough?
At 5:52am on September 30, 2011, Gail Piro said…
Kathy- What time is the doodle romp on Oct. 30th? Lola will be 3 1/2 months by then.
At 12:15pm on September 28, 2011, Deanna & Desi & Cori said…

Hi Kathie - I had DK's current front page slideshow playing and only glancing at it periodically.  When I caught a glimpse of your picture, I thought it was Sedona - until I realized we don't have a red rug.  Here's Sedona (so you can see why I was confused):

At 8:44pm on April 21, 2011, Carla, Lucca and Izzy said…

Hi the bunny ears!!! So sorry to hear about Winston. Izzy is still in her post-surgery mode too. She keeps getting fluid build-up on one of the elboes so hence, she can't go to her first ever Romp this Saturday. Bummer, but nothing we can do about it.

Hugs to Winston and you...although I'm sure he is mellow. Izzy is NOT. This has been extremely stressful. Doggy tranquilizers work wonders. Too bad I can't take them too!!! But wine works well.

At 7:10pm on April 20, 2011, Joyce,David"Mochi,Latte,Popcorn" said…

oh my god I'm so sorry Kathie!

Winston does not learn!! is poor big baby doing fine now? ugh... I can't believe he had a surgery AGAIN! I suggest you start wearing those loooong socks or don't wear them at all. Mine are pretty small so Mochi was able to swallow them, but not David's because his is big.

I think I've told you about using hydrogen peroxide to make dogs throw up right? That's what I used right away when Mochi swallowed socks. Luckily it worked 3 out of 3 times so we didn't have to go to vet.

I was looking forward to see you and the puppies at the romp last Saturday but you guys didn't show up :( did you know about the romp?

there's another one coming up this Saturday but is in San Jose, a bit further for you.

I hope Winston is doing well and will never ever be a sock monster again.

Sending hugs to poor big baby and you.

Profile Information

About Me:
I work full time as the Manager of Accreditation and Regulatory Information, at the local hospital here in Marin County. I have two grown sons, David lives about a mile away and Josh who is a teacher in New York City and also teaches music at Jazz at Lincoln Center. So it is just me and the dogs they are my buddies. I spend my spare time gardening, being with friends and traveling to Bend, Oregon. Of course the dogs are the center of my every day life, which is just fine with me.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Goldendoodles, Winston 6.5 year old love of my life. Bella, so is also 6 and Jaxs the new boy is 6 months old. Last but not least Freya, Rottie who is 11. All three older dogs have their CGC. Bella and Winston are related and come from the same breeder. Now I have a PACK +. Winston and Bella both do pet therapy visits through the Marin Humane Society SHARE program. Hope to add Jaxs to the mix when he is older.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Breeder, Rehome
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Love the temperament and looks. Winston has been a dream to train. I tell everyone that Winston is a gift from my late Rottie, Moe. Moe was a rescue and had some issues. I spent 9 years making sure that Moe had a wonderful life even with all the restrictions I had to impose. So when Moe died, his gift to me was Winston. Moe was letting me know that I deserved a less stressful life. Winston opened the door for Bella, so then there were two.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Training,walks, play, taking pictures. Winston has been taking classes at the Humane Society from the time he was 3 months old. He is a dream to train. Winston is part of the Delta Society Pet Partners program and our local Humane Society therapy program. Bella has also finished her Share program curse and is doing visits with Winston to Special Education classrooms. Agility is also a big activity for Winston and Bella.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
I do most of the time, Winston and Bella go to the groomer once a quarter
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