Hi Maddy...Marley is a chocolatey cutie. Welcome to the site & have fun!
At 8:47pm on September 21, 2008, Karen & Lucy said…
Maddy, What a gorgeous baby Marley is. I would just Love to have a chocolate curley little dood like him. Where did he come from? Oh, and by the way, I am soooo glad you joined our group of Pa Oodles of Doodles. Where about do you live in Pa. [Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Words*]
At 4:59pm on September 21, 2008, Patty Barnes said…
Hi Maddy, As a breeder of Australian Labradoodles, I must say you have a georgeous baby. The coat is exquisite and I applaud the breeder. Glad you joined the ALD Group!
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Are you coming to PA doodle Romp?
I hope you can!
[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Words*]

Thanks for the welcome everyone! I'm still figuring out this site, so I hope this works. I'm going to try to attach an image of Marley....[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Words*]
[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Words*]
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