Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Started Sep 5, 2014 0 Replies 0 Favorites
I would like to know if anyone has experience with Tualatin River Labradoodles in the Portland, OR area? Could you please email me privately? Thanks!Marie TildenContinue
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Hi Marie - thanks for the friend request - I just got back from holidays so I'm not sure if you have decided on a breeder yet - Myla's breeder lives by Spokane, Washington and is awesome! Myla is an F1 goldendoodle and we couldn't be happier with her - she is now 2 1/2 years old (wow, time flies!) and weighs 63 pounds. Our breeder also breeds F1b's. If you want her name, private message me and I will give you her email address! She is passionate about testing her breeding dogs - when I first emailed her about info on her puppies, she sent me the longest reply stressing the importance of getting a puppy whose parents were tested, no matter where I decided to get a doodle :)
So, have you made a decision yet?
I had the same question as you when I started researching doodles. I have an American Labradoodle because I just wanted a Lab/Poodle mix. I did not want other breeds in the blood line such as Wheaten Terriers (had one of those and will never get another terrier of any kind) or Cocker Spaniel etc. Our Labradoodle weighs 60 lbs and doesn't not shed one bit. He is a F1B and requires grooming every 12 weeks or so.
We also just got a mini Goldendoodle puppy which will be 16 weeks old tomorrow. He will mature to 30 lbs and is a multi gen and so far no shedding. His breeder is awesome, so awesome that Joe Biden's son got a goldendoodle from her. Again I didn't want to introduce any other breeds just a poodle mix with the retriever.
You will get a lot of great information and opinions on this site.
Good luck with your research and your pup.
Welcome to DoodleKisses - the best website around for doodle lovers everywhere. I saw your post about trying to decide on which breed of doodle you would like to get. I guess I am pretty experienced in that area since I started out with a labradoodle, then got a goldendoodle, and now have a ALD. They are all great dogs and it really depends on what you want out of your dog. Main thing is to get a breeder you trust and like. I have a great breeder in Eastern Washington who I can recommend highly so I will request a friendship so we can communicate privately. The big benefit of the ALD is size. My labradoodle was 105 pounds, the goldendoodle was 85 pounds, and the ALD is 50 pounds. It makes a difference when you are sharing your home with dogs. The ALD was a very energetic puppy for about two years, the labradoodle was the smartest, and the goldendoodle the most loving. Take a look at the photos on my page. Love to have more discussions about these wonderful dogs.
Hi Marie ~ Thank you for the friend request. I am sure you have found many breeders in the Portland area. I bought both of my Australian Labradoodles on the Washington Canadian border. I live in the Richland, WA and there is an ALD breeder here, but I did not find her until after I had already purchased my first Doodle. he has the same father as Charlie, but a different mother. I don't know if you have joined the Grooming group - but if not, it is a great place to find out what it takes to keep up the doodle coat. If you are not opposed to rescuing, you will find the DRC's doodles in need of homes listed at the bottom of the front page. A great way to bypass the puppy phase! LOL Good luck in your search. If you have any questions, just ask - someone will be more than happy to give you their input. Welcome to Doodle Kisses!
Hi Marie, thanks for the friend request and welcome to DK. I hope you enjoy the site and find the information you need to help make your decision as to whether or not to add a doodle to your family. In case you haven't found this page yet, here is some good info here that can help you determine if a breeder is reputable.
Tara's breeder is in the SF Bay area but there are some very good ones in Oregon and Washington. Once you read the "What to Look for..." page you'll be able to weed out the less than desirable ones.