My 10 week old puppy likes to chew on rocks, not a good idea. We gave her an ice cube from our ice maker and she loves them. Must feel good on her little teething mouth. Keeps her busy for awhile and does not make a mess.
Added by Jeri on June 27, 2009 at 4:21am —
Sam our LD plays well with Mandi our GS puppy, but draws the line at nyla bones. Wish I had captured it on video, but did get some still shots. Look at the…
Added by Jeri on June 19, 2009 at 6:15am —
Oh my goodness. Day 2 with Mandi, 8 week old German Shepherd. Sam LD has been great. Right now they are both sleeping. We started crate training today. How can a puppy make so much noise? She is a howler. Sam is very tolerant and I think was thinking "What a crazy girl"!!!!
Added by Jeri on June 16, 2009 at 3:54pm —
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Pictures speak a thousand words.
Added by Jeri on June 15, 2009 at 6:26am —
This will make 3, yes 3. Jaeger the eldest at 5(ausie shep mix), my beloved DK Sam 1 & 1/2 y/o and now by my DK hubbies choice and suggestion a German Shepherd pup in 2 weeks. She will 8 weeks when we get her and her name is Mandy. He thinks we need one because we live in the woods. She is adorable. She met her new family last week and was accepted without any problems. So here goes again with puppy training. Sams puppy training seems like forever…
Added by Jeri on June 1, 2009 at 11:28am —