Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

August 2008 Blog Posts (13)

Puppy in training

Aug 27, Barnie had his first nite at puppy school. We took him to the same trainer that trained our dear departed Pork Chop. Barnie love her, and she loved him. He was the only pup that wasn't a purebred, but I think he was the cutest! Celine used him to show the different position for training, and he clowned around but did as asked. Celine's is great, she works on what your dog needs, not just a set session.

Added by Joannie on August 28, 2008 at 10:08pm — No Comments

Time flies!!

I can't believe how fast time flies by! Beckett is almost 5 months old now. He's doing so well. He's housebroken now and rings the bells every time he needs to go outside. We're taking puppy classes. He knows some commands. We're working on walking on leash now. It seems hard for him...too many interesting things to see lol! I'll have to post some new pictures. I'm going to miss him when I go back to work at school soon. :(

Added by Jackie on August 20, 2008 at 11:19am — 3 Comments

We took Zoe to the dog park

today. Our dog park has mulch on the ground and when it has rained and is wet Zoe gets really dirty. Well it hasn't been raining so we weren't prepared for what happened. She was running around like a crazy girl playing with all the other dogs and we noticed that she kept going to the water fountain bowl. Then she was laying in this pool of mulchy water where the fountain was leaking. She was black from the feet up to her belly, her fur traps the mulch and you can't get it out. We took… Continue

Added by Tammy on August 20, 2008 at 5:36am — 1 Comment

Willson's new puppy friends

I am soo very excited for our Willson, he now has two new puppy friends on our block and the block behind us he has big friendly Chocolate Lab named Abbey as his very best friend He always wants to stop and see Abbey, I believe that since he has a big dog as a friend he hopefully won't be afraid of any big dogs he might meet.

His two little friends are a puggle named Maisy, and a Corgi/Austrlian Shepheard named Bella

How fun is that for my little guy who is getting bigger each…

Added by Sue & Willy Babe on August 16, 2008 at 11:25am — No Comments

Puppy class and Puppy party

Last night was Willson's first puppy class and I must say he did very well at first he didn't want to stay on my left side when we were sitting down, but eventually he did he just fussed for a couple of minutes, he was busy watching all the other misbehaved puppies ha ha ha

I also thought he was going to fall asleep he became so relaxed like he normally is at 6:15 at night, he loved practicing "Watch Me" and the treats after accomplishing "Watch Me"

But the best was when we got home… Continue

Added by Sue & Willy Babe on August 15, 2008 at 5:04am — No Comments

Malibu Romp

I went to the Malibu Romp last year and it was out of sight. I couldn't believe how many doodles were off leash and they all got along. I think about 150 doodles were there. It was amazing!!!! The food was terrific. I still am trying to get the green bean receipe. Amazing time by all. I even met doodle friends to play with Maggie my Goldendoodle.

Added by Sally on August 12, 2008 at 9:36pm — 4 Comments

Weekend With Dad


Willson was home this weekend with my husband while my daughter and I went shopping in Chicago

My husband needed some bonding time with Willson he has alot of concerns about our doodle which I hope will be answered when we start training classes on Thursday, his main concern is how will our doodle act when he gets bigger, he is looking for answers now.

Anyway on Saturday Paul took Willson for a car ride Willson was in the back seat, he found the button for the… Continue

Added by Sue & Willy Babe on August 11, 2008 at 5:45am — No Comments

DON'T FORGET........TODAY 8-11-08....Blocker on The View

If you can...............tune in!!

Added by Deb on August 11, 2008 at 5:08am — No Comments

First Agility Class

Stella’s first night of Agility class was last night Aug. 5. I was incredible nervous…why… I don’t know. I guess I was worried how she would take to it. After the first 10 minutes had passed I realized I had nothing to be worried about. She took to it like a fish to water. She actually seemed like she was having fun and not like work at all. Her first step was to walk the plank (I am too new to this to know all the terms). The plank as I call it was maybe 4 feet long and fairly narrow. With… Continue

Added by Belinda Stevens on August 6, 2008 at 12:15pm — 1 Comment

Willson's First Vet Visit

Today Willson went to the Vet, He did very very good he is 15 pounds, he will be a big boy ! :=)

Dr. John was very happy to see Willson. Dr. John took care of our last dog, so he was very excited for us. Willson wasn't quite sure what was going on, I am so glad that we our doing some of the activities that Dr. John suggested. Thanks to all of the doodlekiss advice too we are on our way !!!

Before we even left for the Vet Willson went to his safe spot, I think he knew he… Continue

Added by Sue & Willy Babe on August 5, 2008 at 2:15pm — 2 Comments

Crazy Jumpers!

I'm wondering if there are any doodle owners out there who have "jumping doodle" problems. My two are a handful when company comes. It's bad whether the company is someone they know or not. They are just so excited to greet anyone that it's a three ring circus whenever someone comes to visit. A knock on the door sends them into excited euphoria every time, and the two of them get each other going. Even when my husband and I each hold one, it's a challenge until they calm down. One jumping… Continue

Added by Barb on August 4, 2008 at 11:48am — 5 Comments

Late Sunday Storm

We had a terrible storm late last night but, our Willson was a real tropper he was laying under the table.there were a few rumblings, he just looked around, I didnt say anything because I wanted him to get use to storms. he did have his favorite toy nearby Well another one came, we were near by, he picked up his buddy and went in to his safe spot. Yea:=) When all was done he came out of his spot to us in the next room we all gave him great praises.

He was wrestling then with my husband… Continue

Added by Sue & Willy Babe on August 4, 2008 at 9:21am — No Comments

Willson's 2 month Birthday!

On Friday August 1st was Willson's 8 week old birthday! We celebrated with a visit to our neighbor's house to play with their chocolate lab, Abby. Willson had a great time running around on the grass. We only stayed for a short time, but then when we got back to our house it was POOL TIME! I went to the store the other day and bought a baby pool so he would be able to play in it. He absolutely LOVES his pool! He was in the pool and and out, he had his favorite little football squeaky toy with… Continue

Added by Sue & Willy Babe on August 3, 2008 at 11:42am — 4 Comments

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