Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Adina P's Blog (117)

35 lb kid vs. 100 lb dog

I let my daughter walk Rosco at a park today. I never let my kids walk the dogs alone normally, but it was about 10am on a Sunday and pretty empty there.

I taught my daughter a way to hold the leash so she had more control but could easily release her grip if needed and she could give a quick correction if his head started wandering.   I didn't expect much from…


Added by Adina P on May 18, 2014 at 4:38pm — 17 Comments

Rosco, Boca, and their kids...

Just a little photo update...

We went to a wedding with a 'plaid' dress code :-)

Rosco has a hard life because sometimes his mom gives him a bath.

One day the kids made a 'bed' on the living room floor and Rosco immediately helped…


Added by Adina P on December 8, 2013 at 3:00pm — 32 Comments

Someone's got Puppy Fever!

It's not me.

My nearly 4 year old came into our room this morning and whispered that Rosco told her he wants a kitty.  We went along with it for a bit then she admitted she actually gave him this idea and "Mommy can we go to the pet store to look at kitties?"  My answer disappointed.  She then offered plan C: Let's go to the breeder and buy a puppy! Final negotiation was that when she turns 10 we can buy a puppy.  5 minutes later she…


Added by Adina P on November 11, 2013 at 7:30am — 40 Comments

Just like Boca...

Clark was discussing with our 3 y.o. how kids often grow up to look like their parents.  That her brother might grow up to look like Daddy.  Then our daughter added:

"And when I grow up. I'll look like Mommy. And when I'm really old, I'll look like...Boca!  But with no fur."

Added by Adina P on July 2, 2013 at 4:04pm — 20 Comments

On kids and dogs and messy houses

OMD.  I don't know how anyone with little kids and dogs that chew things up survive childhood!!!  Luckily Rosco doesn't chew things up and Boca is only interested in baby socks (98% of the time put away) and really tiny things and paper and things that seem like they could possibly be paper or could be ingredients for paper.  Like wood.  Like the gnocchi sized wooden nesting doll my 18 month old dropped from the table as he was playing. 

Believe me, I have consciously made an…


Added by Adina P on March 29, 2013 at 2:00pm — 36 Comments

Crazy for Cacao

A couple pics from my chocolate tasting party yesterday.  We had a total of 9 of us at my house while my fabulous hubby took the kids for a trip to a Dr. Suess day event in town.  

It was super fun and I highly recommend hosting a…


Added by Adina P on March 4, 2013 at 7:00am — 42 Comments

Guess Who's 7? Updated with Burger Pics

Rosco turned 7 years old today.  Went out with the kids to buy him a birthday treat. …


Added by Adina P on February 11, 2013 at 10:30am — 78 Comments

Met a Doodle at Church

A few pics of a doodle puppy I met at church.  It is a mini, multigen goldendoodle--a parti too...and super cute!…


Added by Adina P on January 12, 2013 at 10:24pm — 25 Comments

Fudge? Vern? Fudge? Vern? Who is the winner?

Let's let Natalie choose

Added by Adina P on October 16, 2012 at 11:33am — 66 Comments

Adina the Dog Catcher is Back!

It's been awhile since I've been able to run out the door, leash in hand, chasing down a loose, stray, or escaped dog.  Before kids, I was out there quite frequently, running after dogs walking themselves. But this morning the little gray, scruffy, terrier-ish dog who passed by our house, loose again was begging me to get back into the swing of my volunteer animal control gear ;-)

This was the third time we'd seen it pass and I was determined to find out where it came from. …


Added by Adina P on June 18, 2012 at 9:26pm — 16 Comments

Rosco has quite the presence.

Quick micro-blog

1) A couple weeks ago when I picked up Rosco from the groomer, she told me that he is the ONLY dog her dog (who practically lives at the doggy daycare there) hasn't growled at.  Yeah Rosco the doggy dog-whisperer!

2) For a while now it seems when I get frustrated with Boca for not coming in when called (I don't bother with her actual recall word because for a number of logistical reasons I can't keep a line on her 24/7) from outside and start…


Added by Adina P on January 26, 2012 at 2:34pm — 24 Comments

Be Quiet!

Me to Boca whining in her crate: BE QUIET BOCA!

2 y.o. Natalie: You telling Boca to be quiet?

Me: Yes, she's whining too loud.

Natalie: Tell me to be quiet, Mommy.

Me, softly: Be quiet, Natalie.

Natalie: I'm not a dog, Mommy. I'm a goil [girl]!

Added by Adina P on December 3, 2011 at 10:00pm — 29 Comments

Happy Gotcha Day Boca!

A year ago today we drove 3 hours to pick up Boca who had traveled even further from Texas to join our family.  She was about 16 weeks then and is about 16 months now and has been a great little doodette.  Her history is documented in these blogs from last year.


This is my first sight of her last year in the arms of a fellow DK'er who'd picked her up from…


Added by Adina P on July 19, 2011 at 5:00pm — 25 Comments

Baby room transformation...have to share!

A year and a half ago I posted about my now-toddler's room (which of course never looked as put together after she was born).  Today we finally arrived closer to 'done' with the kids' room and I wanted to share the fun changes! (note it's NOT actually done yet, and a bit cluttered…


Added by Adina P on July 18, 2011 at 9:03pm — 34 Comments

Whirlwind Weekend Away

It seems wrong to post a blog THIS long unless it's as funny as Laurie's (Fudge and Vern), but I had to share anyway.


I had been wanting to meet with my trainer for a while for help in fine tuning my handling skills of Boca.  However, my trainer lives about 4-5 hours away (depending on driving speed) in Portland OR and, well, it's not the easiest trip for a Mommy to make!


I finally decided it needed to be done and this past weekend was the chosen weekend.  I…


Added by Adina P on June 27, 2011 at 9:00pm — 14 Comments

Boca Crazy

Clark told me a cute Natalie story today (there are a dozen of these daily...I'd be a blog hog if I shared them all!).


Natalie was playing outside, hanging out in one half of Boca's crate (which she refers to as a 'boat') that was drying in the sun (I had washed it out before work).  All of a sudden Natalie rushes inside repeating "Boca crazy!  Boca crazy!"


Clark goes to see what this 'crazy' is all about and sure enough Boca's all hyped up, rolling her…


Added by Adina P on June 21, 2011 at 3:30pm — 26 Comments

Who needs bully sticks, when there are rubber balls?

I took my daughter to PetCo to buy the doodles some new rubber balls.  They really love the Chuk-it orange fuzz-less 'tennis' balls that last forever -- truly!  The only reason we were out of them is because they miraculously disappear after a while. 


Well needless to say the doods have been in heaven since late last week.  I knew they'd be excited, but that's ALL they do when they get outside: Rosco lays down and chews his ball like a giant wad of gum and Boca (if she's not…


Added by Adina P on May 22, 2011 at 4:20pm — 26 Comments

Rats and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails...

That's what our next addition is made of!   Coming late August/Early September Natalie, Rosco, and Boca are getting a little brother!!! Natalie was temporarily named Wiggle Worm and this little guy's in utero name is "Peanut" :-)  We have far to go in deciding a real name.  He and Natalie will be about 21 months apart.



Added by Adina P on April 8, 2011 at 9:24pm — 55 Comments

Oh the Self Restraint!!!

I'm pretty sure Rosco would form the world's biggest drool puddle if he had to wait as long as these dogs did:


Added by Adina P on March 28, 2011 at 8:15am — 11 Comments

Random micro blogs from naughty doodle land...

Rosco was outside going potty (#1) and Boca was outside tearing into some kind of dirty rag.  I banged on the back window to disturb Boca's destruction...which ended up disturbing Rosco's pee and he came back in...unfinished..and just as he was about to lie down on the living room rug I noticed pee dribbles on the rug.  And there were MORE in the back entry. …


Added by Adina P on March 7, 2011 at 8:30am — 11 Comments


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