Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Been having a bit of a guilt trip this week...after years with our cats being the center of our attention, bringing Penny into the family has altered their life substantially. They are no longer free to be wherever they want in the house, and to do what they please without having a big dopey puppy in their face, and I kinda feel sorry for them. However, they are moving about a lot more now, taking advantage of when Penny is asleep or in the yard. But they do get caught out every now and then, but they are adapting.

For the first time since Penny arrived, I am now waking up before her in the morning...WooHoo! And Jeri my wife is able to sleep in a bit longer, as she is the chief bread winner in the house, I'm relieved. And boy does Penny take some waking up sometimes. She definitely has that "bad hair day" look when she wakes up, yawning like a creaky door, pausing to have a scratch, and often getting a major case of the hiccups before she's fully awake. Another thing she does when she's not quite awake is crawl along the floor, she opens her eyes, and we say "Come here Penny!" and she slithers across the carpet towards us on her belly using her front elbows to haul herself along, very funny...what a spud!

She's getting broader across the beam, doesn't seem fat, just chunkier, got the cutest butt too! We have been forecast temperatures in the high 90s and low 100s this coming weekend and beyond, and Penny is not a fan of the heat, so the AC vents are gonna be her extra special friends for the next few days. As much as she enjoys playing in the sprinkler in the yard, we've found she prefers the hose. When my wife waters our 3 new trees, Penny just loves to jump into the stream of water, the harder the pressure the better, getting her face and mouth right in there, gets herself a thorough soaking and couldn't be happier.

I have to say after just 6 weeks, life is returning to some normality again. We don't have to keep our eyes on the pup at all times, she ask to go out when she needs to go, and is quite happy just to lay down and watch the world go by. So I can now get more work done, which is good, because I'm getting busier, good timing!

One of my neighbors told me this morning that Penny has been voted the cuddliest dog in the neighborhood, isn't that sweet? And last weekend, I was walking by a house on the next street and this guy came out and said "Is that a Goldendoodle?"...when I replied to the positive, he said "I've got one too, follow me!" We went into his back yard, and I met my first ever adult GoldenDoodle who's name is Sonny, gorgeous dog, he was excited as it was his feeding time, so we didn't stay long. Next time I see them, I'll mention DoodleKisses.

I've decided that I need to get some more photos of Penny being active as it's been easier to catch her on 'film' (redundant term) when she's asleep, especially as I've been busy working this week, so next week I'll post some action shots, but I'll leave you this week with two photos I've labeled 'Cute'

And 'Even cuter!'

Penny gets her last set of shots next Tuesday so we'll be going further afield with her next weekend, hopefully getting some good photos. Until next week folks!

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Comment by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on August 17, 2009 at 7:41pm
I can commiserate with the new puppy terrorizing the cats theme. Our indoor cat Cleo was totally use to dominating our beagles. Now this big, goofy puppy has come into her life and upset her domain. It took almost 2 months before Cleo reemerged from under our bed to sleep on the pillow between us. Now she is coming back down stairs to join us for TV time in the evenings.

Comment by cheryl & oliver on July 28, 2009 at 5:31am
Hi Kevin, thanks for the blog on Penny, she is sooo cute, and you are very lucky that she sleeps so well, and she tells you she wants to go out...Ollie, our golden doodle will be 4 mos old on Aug. 3rd, and he is not a good sleeper...He still gets up during the night to go out, and he does pee and poop, so I guess he needs to go. He does not actually tell us he has to go the rest of the time, I sort of time him and I see him sniffing around and out he goes. I am trying to bell train him, sometimes he does it, sometimes not. He weighs 21 1/2 lbs as of last week, and he isn't fat, he has these big paws, longish legs, and fur that is starting to change so it goes every which way. Not sure what his coat will be yet. But he is so cute, and funny, and he gets along with our older aussie very well...Please keep the blog going I am enjoying it so much...Cheryl
Comment by Jeanie on July 28, 2009 at 4:51am
What a lovely post! Can't wait to read more! Penny is simply adorable!
Comment by Michele Barton on July 25, 2009 at 1:10pm
Hi Kevin, Penny looks like a super cute stuffed animal, you know the ones that are loosely stuffed, very cute and huggable! Your British is beginning to come out in your writings - "going further afield" - very British, I love it! Keep those blogs coming!
Comment by LuvMyAbby&Kaela on July 24, 2009 at 10:12pm
I am looking forward to the next chapter in the great adventures of Penny!
Comment by Joanne ~ Spud* on July 24, 2009 at 2:41pm
Cute, Even Cuter--SHE IS CUTEST!
Oh and you said she acts like a spud!!! Hahahahah YEAH

I feel for you with those sweet kitties. My cats actually loved dogs until this one arrived. He just will not leave them alone. Cats fascinate him but he just can't figure out how to play correctly. Enjoy your weekly blogs. Keep them coming ; )
Comment by Linda,Yankee & Finn on July 24, 2009 at 2:02pm
She is totally cute. I know what you mean about feeling guilty. Yankee doesn't get a moment's peace with Finn around. But then I see him instigating and I don't feel guilty anymore.
Comment by Kevin Poole, Penny & Ozzy on July 24, 2009 at 10:12am
Yes they do Adrianne....lots of laughs. Yesterday Penny was watching me eat a cookie, and Jeri just started laughing at the dopey expression on Penny's face, and Penny just kept looking at her as if to say "What?", which made us both laugh, then just as Jeri started having tears running down her face, Penny buried her face under those big Sasquatch paws of hers, which brought about a further tirade of giggles...poor thing!
Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on July 24, 2009 at 10:07am
I am so glad you and Jeri are enjoying her so much! Puppies bring such joy into a home!
Comment by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on July 24, 2009 at 9:42am
She is too cute, Kevin. Beautiful little girl!


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