Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am embarassed to say I have the Wellness Plan at Banfield, long story having to do with ear infections and it has probably really saved me about $1500.00 in the last year with all the visits for chronic problems, but it is a chain and some people have had good and some bad experiences with them. Mine were ok, nothing terribly wrong or wonderfully exemplary either. They believe in Science Diet, see no way I could possibly be giving my dogs sufficient nutrients with homecooking or people food in general, talk down to me about how I take care of Murphy's ears as in "Well you really need to keep them clean". As though I don't spend a good part of my life attending to those cute floppy ears.

We have agreed to disagree and just give me the antibiotics and steroids he needs to recover and I can leave, Ofcourse they want to see him for follow up, again and again!

So he has had no ear infection that has needed antibiotics or steroids for about 6 months. A record for him!

He needed a yearly Lepto vaccine this week and so we went to get that done and another new Vet saw us. She reviewed his chart, asked about his ears, and then hands me a pamphlet on Hyperthyroidism. A sign of this is chronic ear infections. However, other signs were lethargy, diarrhea, constipation, temperment changes, appetite changes among many many other symptoms. She said it would just take a simple blood test and only 2 pills a day!!!! Oh Boy....and how much would all that cost doc?

I told her that he has none of the other symptoms and he has ear infections because he swims and has floppy ears! Why would I get a blood test for hyperthyroidism? She said the fact that a dog that would be as anxious as he is when she came in ( He was sitting on the bench next to me and put his face to the corner wall to avoid her) would have a high heart rate from anxiety and his was low. I told her Murphy associates this office with painful proceedures and he was avoiding not anxious, so I wouldn't expect his heart rate to be elevated.

She asked to look into his ears and I told her they are fine and that he just doesn't handle ear exams well anymore because he has had some really bad experiences here and just fights when anyone else puts things in his ear or comes near him with the otoscope. She tried with the tech to see in an ear and after several attempts and a hysterical dog, then said, "Well, we'll just bring him to the back and check his ears". What part of "Bad Experiences" with ear exams did she not get? I said NO, we won't need to bring him back unless I go with him as it has taken 3 people to try to hold him down and after all that fighting they still haven't seen what they need to, so why put him through that.

Anyway, I am sure she and the vet tech just feel like I am being unreasonable and am that crazy dog lady! I just had to vent! Maybe I should write something on "What to say when the Vet wants to sell you unnecessary blood work and do unnecessary stressful exams" like the article on "What to say to your vet when they want to sell you RX foods".

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest!

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Comment by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() on December 12, 2010 at 9:34am

Thanks Daisy, I was so afraid my post came off as "Oh That dog owner that is overprotective". I was the same way with my children and being a RN I know what happens when there is no patient advocate there for those that can not speak for themselves. It's not that the medical professionals mean to do any harm, it;s just that there are always more humane and kind ways to do things, and that can be influenced by a loved one being present. Sad but true.

I urge any of us to not allow them to be "Taken to the back" without you. Even if it is easier for them to restain without you there, it is entirely too stressful for them. I am his protector and how awful he must feel being taken away from me. The look he gives me just breaks my heart. Or GAVE me, there will be no more "going backs"

Comment by Lisa, Daisy & Dexter on December 12, 2010 at 9:24am

Oh, I see where you already said you were quitting (pays to be nosey first and then react I guess).



Comment by Lisa, Daisy & Dexter on December 12, 2010 at 9:20am

You are a good Mommy Sue! Just thought I would throw that in there.

Comment by Lisa, Daisy & Dexter on December 12, 2010 at 9:18am

Wow I really feel for you. Frankly I am concerned about Vet practices across the board. We have had so many "bad experiences" with my late dog, my daughters dog and yes even with our Daisy. Currently we are using Daisy's 2nd Vet office because the first one talked down to me about my thoughts on her  what I thought was a urinary tract infection that they said she didn't have (because she wasn't peeing in the house?!?!?!) and after my persistence, they tested her and guess what, a rampant infection was there. After it is was cleared up and 2 visits later and nearly $300 short in the pocket I switched right before her spay. So far I am please with the new Vet, she flew through the surgery with flying colors and he had good bed side manner. We have had no need but am scheduled for her yearly and shots in January....keeping my fingers crossed.

I agree with Nancie, you should try to find a new Vet just as soon as your Wellness Plan is up - hopefully you are not locked in past a year.


Comment by Nancie & Gracie Doodle on December 12, 2010 at 9:01am

I agree with F. Parker.  If they insist on taking Murphy to the back room and not allowing you to go, I can only imagine what they are doing to him to restrain him.  If three people can't do it in front of you then there is something very wrong.  You should change and go to a vet of your choice where you get to see the same doctor every time and Murphy can bond with them.  I have always tried to make Gracie's vet visits as pleasant as possible...if any shot or thermometer up the rear can be pleasant!  I even take her there just to say hi so she doesn't associate it with negative stuff.  She loves all the people and will lick her vets face for 5 minutes if we let her.  I have a very calming influence on her probably because I do her grooming and so I am a big help being there to reassure her.  Time to find a new Vet!!!!!

Comment by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() on December 12, 2010 at 8:01am

I have a feeling the prices are more so they can "brag" about how much they are "saving" you by having the Wellness Plan. I haven't compared prices with the Vet I take Bella to, and after April it won't matter. They have their own line of products as well so there is always some sales pitch going on, like for their ear maintence meds or flea and tick control.

I have also had to be very careful with them scheduling apts. when they will call to say he is due for a vaccination next month, and ask when the next one is due and they say it's due the following month. I will research and be sure both can be given at the same time and bring him in once. Each time I go they tack on some fee for something. Or try to.  I enjoy going to a private vet with Bella as they are very conservative with interventions and unnecessary treatments and visits. Each visit is stressful for Murphy now, so I limit his exposure to Banfield by incorporating services in one visit at a time.

Comment by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on December 12, 2010 at 6:10am

Sue you did the right thing pushing back on blood work and taking Murphy to the back.  I have used Banfield twice and that was to have our cat Cleo's initial checkup and spaying.  My experience was very similar to yours that they would not let me stay with Cleo for her initial exam.  Then to top it off I discovered Banfield was more expensive than the vet I use now.

Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on December 12, 2010 at 5:04am

I think you did a great job!  I really don't get the "bring him to the back to check his ears" thing...they can check his ears right there in the examination room! 

Comment by Ricki and Tara (doodle) on December 11, 2010 at 9:43pm

What a nasty experience! You did a great job of protecting your boy!!


Tara had an anuual exam this week and it took about 30 minutes. It was the standard-make an appointment, take her in, doctor comes into exam room and does exam (in front of us!!) and we're ALL outta there!!!  No way would I leave her there for 4 hours with who knows what kind of sick animals coming in and out!! How scary that would be for poor Murph!!  Plus what if you have questions you want to ask during the exam?? We sure did!! How do you know if they really DO an exam?


So far no one in our family has had any GOOD experiences with Banfield. It sounds like there are some good ones out there but... although it is more affordable,how do you know how much LONGER it takes your doodle to get over what ever problem they have if they are being treated by someone with this mentality.


I always thought the vets at Banfield were those who couldn't make it in private practice!! I have absolutely no foundation for that at all-just a passing thought!!  But at Banfield they don't really have to TRY that hard!! They're probably on salary. I think you are wise in deciding to leave that plan!!

Comment by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() on December 11, 2010 at 8:39pm

Exactly!  This is why he is so afraid of them now!  They have "taken him in the back" several times before. Then tell me it took 3 to hold him down and they still didn't get to look in his ears. That's a lot of resistance, 3 adults holding down a 60 pd dog! That's what they don;t want me to see. Also when they do the yearly comprehensive exam, you have to bring him in around 7-8 am and leave him for at least 4 hours.  I asked about how long an exam takes, and they said 20 minutes or so , but the Vet does it in between clients. SO he is crated all that time waiting for her to prod and poke at him again.  I told them to make a 20 min appointment with the vet for me and she can do it all at one time while I wait next time. I was told they don't DO that.


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