Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I am embarassed to say I have the Wellness Plan at Banfield, long story having to do with ear infections and it has probably really saved me about $1500.00 in the last year with all the visits for chronic problems, but it is a chain and some people have had good and some bad experiences with them. Mine were ok, nothing terribly wrong or wonderfully exemplary either. They believe in Science Diet, see no way I could possibly be giving my dogs sufficient nutrients with homecooking or people food in general, talk down to me about how I take care of Murphy's ears as in "Well you really need to keep them clean". As though I don't spend a good part of my life attending to those cute floppy ears.
We have agreed to disagree and just give me the antibiotics and steroids he needs to recover and I can leave, Ofcourse they want to see him for follow up, again and again!
So he has had no ear infection that has needed antibiotics or steroids for about 6 months. A record for him!
He needed a yearly Lepto vaccine this week and so we went to get that done and another new Vet saw us. She reviewed his chart, asked about his ears, and then hands me a pamphlet on Hyperthyroidism. A sign of this is chronic ear infections. However, other signs were lethargy, diarrhea, constipation, temperment changes, appetite changes among many many other symptoms. She said it would just take a simple blood test and only 2 pills a day!!!! Oh Boy....and how much would all that cost doc?
I told her that he has none of the other symptoms and he has ear infections because he swims and has floppy ears! Why would I get a blood test for hyperthyroidism? She said the fact that a dog that would be as anxious as he is when she came in ( He was sitting on the bench next to me and put his face to the corner wall to avoid her) would have a high heart rate from anxiety and his was low. I told her Murphy associates this office with painful proceedures and he was avoiding not anxious, so I wouldn't expect his heart rate to be elevated.
She asked to look into his ears and I told her they are fine and that he just doesn't handle ear exams well anymore because he has had some really bad experiences here and just fights when anyone else puts things in his ear or comes near him with the otoscope. She tried with the tech to see in an ear and after several attempts and a hysterical dog, then said, "Well, we'll just bring him to the back and check his ears". What part of "Bad Experiences" with ear exams did she not get? I said NO, we won't need to bring him back unless I go with him as it has taken 3 people to try to hold him down and after all that fighting they still haven't seen what they need to, so why put him through that.
Anyway, I am sure she and the vet tech just feel like I am being unreasonable and am that crazy dog lady! I just had to vent! Maybe I should write something on "What to say when the Vet wants to sell you unnecessary blood work and do unnecessary stressful exams" like the article on "What to say to your vet when they want to sell you RX foods".
Thanks for letting me get that off my chest!
I understand that this may be a more affordable option but I think, if possible it is always best to be able to go to the vet, or MD, of your own choosing. I think I'd worry about "taking him in the back". What do they do there that they don't want you to see?
Thank you both. I appreciate the show of support. I agree Caitlin about not going back. I only have 4 more months of the contract and will be cancelling. As a matter of fact it's easy to see how they can hook you into an automatic renewal as you have to notify them at least a month in advance that you want to cancel and they said he was due back in april for his comprehensive annual and bortatella vaccine. When I asked if that was the last month of the contract she said yes. So just for giggles I asked what the date was so I can cancel 30 days ahead and get his exam in, well, it;s April 1st. If I hadn't asked and just went in on APril 2nd even, I would have been automatically signed up for another year. I would have let my credit card handle it, but what a hassle that is. Otherwise, I do have to say, they did do a good job of getting him to the point he is now with his ears and treated him with more aggressive meds to fight all the possible bacteria he could have. We tried that before sedating him to do an ear biopsy so for that I am grateful and why I do continue to go back.
You know Murphy better than anyone and you have to speak for him. Good job!
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