Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

A Christmas Wish for Sheba's mom, Pepper

Recently, Sheba got to meet her mom, Pepper.  I am amazed at how much they look alike and how they have quite a few of the same mannerisms.  I see where Sheba gets her head tilt and shyness.  Pepper is an incredibly sweet girl, just like Sheba.  : )

About a week ago I picked Pepper up from the "Breeder" I bought Sheba from.  I have been trying for about 3 years to get Pepper from this breeder.  About a year and a half ago I was planning on picking up Pepper when at the last minute the breeder called and said that Pepper was pregnant!!!  She wanted to keep Pepper to raise and sell the puppies. UGH!!   One of the puppies from this litter was returned to the breeder.  Some of you may remember Brianna, Sheba's half sister, the Newfie/Poodle.  I think the breeder felt bad for not giving up Pepper so she gave Brianna to me.  Brianna is now known as Liberty or Libbey as she was born on the 4th of July.  She now has a wonderful family that think the world of her.  The DRC was so kind to take her into their program and help find her a new home.

I am so glad that Pepper is finally here. That being said I feel a lot of anger and sadness.  Pepper was a back yard breeder's dog, she was not a friend, not a companion, just a tool to make money.  My heart goes out to her as she is just a shell of a dog.  She is a broken dog with an amputated spirit.  In Pepper's face I can see years of solitary confinement in a kennel, the cold winters, the scorching summers, the endless seasons of neglect.  The neglect, the abandonment, the loneliness that breaks you, body and spirit, human and animal alike, until there is nothing left, just skin and bones. No guilt, no sorrow. No one ever felt pity or compassion for Pepper. Pepper is an example of an uncaring breeder's dog, she was not a friend, not a companion, just a tool.  

Until today….

Pepper has been rescued, at this precise moment she is sleeping under the desk next to me. She is 5 years and 4 months old.  When she arrived she was extremely smelly with feces and urine on her coat.  She is a bag of bones, and had whipworm, ear infections, and some bad teeth. The breeder was thinking of breeding her again and mentioned that if I wanted to breed Pepper she would like one of her puppies!  Grrrrrr.  I am trying not to say anything too negative as it is Christmas!

Most of the time Pepper wants to lay on her bed.  She doesn't seem to care much about food or water.  I have tried so many different ways to get her to eat.  What works the best is starting out feeding her by hand.  The other day I made the mistake of tossing Sheba a piece of food while Pepper was finally eating on her own.  Although Sheba was across the kitchen and not near Pepper it startled her and she wouldn't eat the rest of the day. *sigh*  She doesn't really want to go outside as I think the world is far too big for a dog that's been confined to a small kennel.  Thankfully she has only had one accident and is doing very well on her house training.  Sometimes I have to pick her up off of her bed to go outside to potty.  She could hold her poo and pee FOREVER!!!!    She is so fearful of EVERYTHING!! 

My Christmas wish for Pepper is in time she will be healed.  I hope that I can help turn her life around. I want to help rebuild her body and strength, maybe in the process be able to put together the pieces of her broken spirit.

This girl is a real challenge for me.  If any of you have any suggestions on how to help me help her, please let me know!!

Happy Holidays Everyone!!  : )


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Comment by Joanna, Zoe & Bender on February 12, 2013 at 9:19pm
Hi Ann, pepper has been on my mind since you first posted this and I was wondering how she's doing.
Comment by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on January 7, 2013 at 12:04pm

I am so glad Pepper is home with you.  You are awesome...keep us posted!

Comment by Lynette Main on January 7, 2013 at 10:44am

Good for you Ann. I know you've wanted to do this for a long time.See there was a reason you didn't want to have another dog,Pepper was coming to you!!!!!!Shes another Aja. Time heals these doodles. Aja is wonderful/. It took her a while but it happened. Good luck sweetie.  Shes beautiful...

Comment by Lynette Main on December 30, 2012 at 3:47pm


Comment by Lynette Main on December 30, 2012 at 3:46pm

Good for you Ann,I know that you were trying to get her for a long time. Glad it finally happened. Three permanant doodles are now in you life. Its not that hard having three all the time. I did it.Like chips, can't have just one!!!!!!!!!! have fun with her.

Comment by Jennifer,Chloe & Myla on December 27, 2012 at 8:06pm

My wish is for a HAPPY new year for Pepper. She is in great hands, my heart goes out to her. I think your doodles will help her along. What a blessing for her to make it to your home. Best of luck to all of you and keep us posted.

Comment by F, Calla & Luca on December 27, 2012 at 10:24am

Sounds like you are making great progress with Pepper, Ann.

Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on December 27, 2012 at 9:59am

Ann, all of the dogs who pass through your life are blessed, and Duke and Sheba are the luckiest of all.

Really, in addition to the issues with the puppies from these places, what I was really thinking about was the lives the breeding dogs like Pepper lead. Even if someone gets lucky and the puppy they buy from a place like this is healthy and well-adjusted, they have still contributed to the suffering of a breeding dog like Pepper.

Comment by Ann Kendig on December 27, 2012 at 9:50am
I agree Karen. Thankfully between the DRC and Doodlekisses I have need educated! I think of all the $$ I've spent on vet bills for my guys but if I would have went the route of purchasing from a reputable breeder I could have saved money. I know there are no guarantees that you won't have medical issues with a dog you purchased from a good breeder but I think there is less of a chance. Both Sheba and Brianne, Sheba's Newfie/poodle sister, both have problems with urinary tract infections and there is a possibility that both will have to have surgery. Pepper doesn't have the inverted vulva like Brianna and Sheba have. Then there is the allergy issue with both dogs and Sheba continues to have hip problems. Next step is to take her to a specialist.
But, through it all I love my guys and they are definitely worth it. Sometimes I wonder if any of Duke's litter mates are affected as bady with the allergies, or even worse. If I ever get another dog in my lifetime it would be a rescue or through a good breeder. More than likely a rescue. : ).
Comment by BG and Gavin on December 27, 2012 at 9:40am

Amen to what Karen said.  Both Sheba and Pepper got lucky!


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