So I came home today to a hint of 'accident' aroma in the air, but it wasn't strong (or my nose is plugged). I went immediately into doggy dinner mode because as soon as they had THEIRS I could eat MINE in peace.
I scoop up Cass' food and deliver it to her bowl.
Next I scoop up Rosco's food and ... deliver it... Ummm...there's a massive turd behind Rosco who is behind his bowl. My evening flashes before me and I try to ESP to Rosco "Whatever you do...DO NOT step backwards dear doggy!!!!!"
Of course he missed the "Do NOT" part of my ESP message and so I immediately grabbed his collar and ushered him out unfortunately leaving all sorts of evidence of where he just stepped his whole way out. AAAAAAAAAAAH....this was not the evening I'd planned. I send Rosco outside, grab another dish and feed him on the steps. Next I move Cass & Thule out to prevent a repeat.
I know who it was. It HAD to have been Cass. The old and tired arthritic border collie who, at lunch time, was the ONLY dog who did not eliminate...preferred to lay in the grass. Funny that I even particularly noticed that and hoped it didn't mean anything for later...but figured if she didn't have to go...she didn't have to go.
When cleaning the brown off the carpet I noticed some had miraculously applied itself to the leg of the table and a foot away was a fresh pee spot. Talk about a double whammy. I had JUST cleaned that #@*^ carpet last week! And Clark wasn't around so poor me with no waist had to spend forever bent in ways I can barely bend. Can you hear the violins playing? I CAN. I ran the carpet cleaner over the area...wiped up the smears I could see. Rolled up the rugs that I didn't have the energy to spot clean tonight...and have yet to give the wood floor and kitchen floor a thorough washing. But Rosco's feet (which actually looked clean) got a hosing and sudsing outside...and now ALL dogs are blocked from the scene of the crime. *Sigh*
Time to investigate doggy doors. I can't deal with this anymore. And before baby starts crawling that carpet is getting pulled out and replaced with a potty sensing floor that SCREAMS if it smells a pee or poop about to leave a bowel or bladder!
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