My husband and I have now had Peri for 4 weeks. She is 13 weeks old and things are calming down - house training going very well! I was so worried that my 5 1/2 year old chihuahua would be super jealous and not like her. Don't get me wrong, I thought through the pros and cons of getting another dog for a long time (one con being little chihuahua attached to his mama). But I decided to go through with it since he LOVES other dogs, especially his cousin Chuck (chihuahua), Uncle Jake (cairn terrier) and Aunt Lucy (cairn again). LOL
It only took him a few days to warm up to Lady P. They are best friends now.
Typical play schedule follows:
7-7:45am - play, play, play
12-12:45 - play, play, play
5 to bedtime - play, play, sleep, play, rest, play
You get the picture! I am so happy I cannot even express it. Those of you who have two dogs must understand what I mean. Taquito even plays tug with her using his favorite toy - the mini Dr. Noy's animals. She even knows this is special and won't destroy it. Creepy smart :)
Here is a photo.
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