Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So, we've never blogged before... Fact is we're still not quite sure what a blog is, or supposed to be, but thought we'd give it a go anyway. First a little personal info. Although in our early 60's, Paula and I have only been married 14 months. We're both Air Force brats, having lived all over the world as we were growing up. Both of our dads were A.F. career officers and have much in common. While I was graduating high school in Turkey, Paula was graduating in Taiwan. We were incredibly fortunate to have found one another, and thoroughly enjoy our new lives together. When we met, Paula had a black lab, Rosie, her friend and companion for 14 years. In my 'former life' I had owned both an airedale and a retriever, spitz mix. When I was young, my folks always had poodles. I was familiar with dogs and old style 'choke chain' training that I learned in the early '60's. I loved our poodles and knew how intelligent that they were. By the time I met Rosie, her joints were pretty bad and she had a malignant tumor on her left gumline. I really grew to care for Rosie and spent a lot of time with her, soothing and helping her through her last months. She finally passed away last July. Paula was devastated, as we all are when our big puppies leave us.

After Rosie left our lives, we spent a lot of last year hiking, biking and camping in Colorado, enjoying a freedom that we - and especially Paula - had not had in some time. We even took a couple of weeks off to visit my daughter in Germany. But by November, we both knew that we needed another pup to share our lives. I was leaning toward a poodle, since I have allergies, and Paula, naturally, wanted another lab. As we talked, the more we started wondering if there was such a thing as a poodle, lab mix.... One night, Paula said she'd heard of this thing called a labradoodle!! Incredibly we soon found a wonderful breeder with a huge and very positive reputation throughout Colorado. We read Colorado Mountain Labradoodles site thoroughly, met a couple of Maila's labradoodles in the Denver area, talked with her on the phone, and were hooked beyond measure...
I've never watched pups grow like this. Maila updates photos every week, and they are all absolutely beautiful. They look like stuffed animals. She protects the pups from outside contact until they have had their first Parvo shots. The disease is a significant threat in southern Colorado. Maila is studying for her vet tech certification, and knows what she is doing. We really appreciate her experience and knowledge, as well as her heart for the puppies.

We can't wait to see them, and bug a very patient Maila, constantly with questions and update requests. We'll get to choose our pup on February 20, and pick her/him up on March 14. Right now we're leaning toward Miss Orange, but know the importance of temperament, so will reserve our final decision until we meet them all in a couple of weeks. We're thinking about raising the pup as a therapy dog, and know we'll need a fairly laid back animal. In any case, we love this site, and have spent hours watching all of your videos and pictures. Haven't even had time yet to visit the groups and get into the important stuff. Had an interesting experience looking at crates at PetsMart the other night - since we live in a town home... But I'll leave that story for another time! Gotta get back to reality here for a while.. :-)


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Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on February 4, 2010 at 10:53pm
Welcome to doodlekisses. This is such a great place to learn about doodles. Do check out the groups as soon as you can.
Comment by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on February 4, 2010 at 6:48pm
Welcome to Doodle Kisses and Congratulations!!!!
Comment by Maryann,Roo and Tigger on February 4, 2010 at 6:18pm
Welcome and congratulations! I am excited for you beginning the labradoodle adventure. Fair warning - labradoodles are like potato chips-----.
Comment by Linda,Yankee & Finn on February 4, 2010 at 5:58pm
Congratulations on your new puppy. You're going to love this site. I swore I wouldn't look at any more puppy photos because it makes me want another one. My 2nd is only 9 months old. How do you choose form such adorable puppies? I have to say that black male has the most adorable little beard!
Comment by Linda, Webber and Seda on February 4, 2010 at 4:45pm
Welcome Greg, What a nice letter. I have only been on this site for a short time and I am already addicted to it.
Comment by Azure & Muppet on February 4, 2010 at 2:27pm
Greg, thanks for such a wonderful introduction. Glad you joined us and are a part of this doodle community. It's great to have you and Paula here. Congratulations on the upcoming arrival of your new puppy!
Comment by Penny, Comiskey & Beemer on February 4, 2010 at 1:13pm
What fun....we have two doodles and would not have it any other way....I had never had a dog in my whole life...and now with Comiskey and Beemer...I don't know why I ever waited....we look forward to all the photos and stories.....(the pups are beartiful....Miss Orange gets my vote!).....congrats
Comment by Kathy Spyker on February 4, 2010 at 9:36am
OMGosh, The puppies are adorable!!! It will seem like forever when your waiting for your puppy,but once you get her they grow soooo fast!!! I do think there is a "waiting for puppies" group you will have to check and see. Best of luck!!! Send us pictures =)))
Comment by Lorraine Bromley on February 4, 2010 at 9:04am
Our NEELY has been the light in our lives this past year. He has given my husband and I something else to dwell on instead of all the kids drama and daily struggles everyone lives with and gets stuck in. He has become the center of the family reconnecting us. We had the same kind of conversations as you as we have a 17yr old lab shep x that we love but she sheds so much and we wanted to rid or ddramatically cut down on. So we found labradoodles too. But after a year or so of research we decided a goldendoodle would suit us better. We were right. You will feel as close to when you had your kids as is possible. Its a strange feeling at our stage of life, something we thought we were never going to experience again. We couldn't have been so wrong. We have turned into those "new parents" that always show our new pictures or have stories of our dog slipped into just about any conversation imaginable. HAVE FUN!
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on February 4, 2010 at 8:37am
How exciting for you! Doodle puppies are the best. Sounds like you're "doing your homework", and this site is a fantastic resource as you prepare for the arrival of the new puppy. I'll be looking forward to hearing all about your new Doodle.


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