Every time I take a day off from work Benny seems to become sick.
First time I took a day off he got high fever and I went to see my vet and it turned out that he had hackles infection and needed to stay in ICU for 2 days.
Next day I took off from work he got an UTI and after seeing the vet I spent the day with going potty with him.
Next day I took off his ears were dark red and he had a two sided ear infection, so again time to visit my vet.
It goes on like that until today. Last week I decided to take a day off today to enjoy a long weekend. This morning Benny was licking on one his paws like crazy. I thought that was strange so I took a look and saw that on one of his webbed feet the skin between two toes was cut completely and infected. So guess what, I spent another day at the vet. I have no idea how that could have happened and he never limped or showed any other sign of pain. Just the licking this morning. The vet thinks that the injury is already a few days old as there isn't any bleeding and hairs begin to grow. He got some disinfection on his paw and is now wearing a stylish shoe which he doesn't like at all. The vet said that she couldn't stitch the wound as the infection is too bad.
It is really weird because yesterday we have been on a long walk and we cleaned his paws very well when we came back. But neither my boyfriend nor I did realize anything.
So is it just a coindicidence or should I better stop taking days off from work as poor Benny always is sick then?
However I need to bath his foot now daily with a disinfection shampoo and put twice a day a cream on there. Furthermore he needs to wear his shoe 24/7 at least until Friday. Then the vet is going to look at it again and probably stitch it so Benny gets his webbed foot back.
I hope that it will heal soon as he can't run offleash now and play with other dogs as he would loose his shoe then.
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