Angel was none-too-happy with me today. Today was my first day back to work since getting Angel exactly 2 months ago.
According to Angel the day started out ok. We got up at 5:00AM, went for a walk, and had breakfast. While I showered, dressed, and primped, Angel chewed on her favorite hoof, and all was well. Until I started heading for the door. With my purse and keys.
Angel looked confused for a moment. After all, I hadn't put on her harness, there was no leash....but she was undaunted. She bounded down the stairs and hopped into my car as soon as I opened the door. She was proud of herself, as she hadn't been able to just jump in before -- she always had to climb in.
She sat on the front passenger seat, a toothy grin (which is missing a couple of teeth on top) on her face and her tail thumping in pride....And I had to drag her out and squash her little doggy hopes. Oh it KILLED me!! And as if that weren't bad enough, Angel watched me leave after I put her on leash and handed her over into the care of my grandmother. It might have just been my imagination, but she looked so betrayed! So confused!
Damnit, why can't we bring dogs to work?!
Anyway, when I came home, she greeted me with enthusiasm (and a little piddle in case I didn't get that she was excited by the jumping and licking....). And then she proceeded to ignore me.
I called her, which would normally bring her and all her exuberance bouncing to me, but she refused to come. She mouthed me far more than usual and I just got the feeling she feels betrayed....
I guess she'll get over it. Eventually. But oh, the guilt!
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