Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend....we did. We went to the was Murph's first time there. He likes it as much as I do. There were so many things to do and lots of humans to play with us. Here are our favorite things about the beach...

-Digging in the's the best, and nobody yells at us and says "no". We got to be filthy all weekend, with no baths! Yesterday though, Mom made us go to the we're all clean again. We like dirty better. We dug giant holes, and Mom said we were "digging to China". We're not too sure what that means. Here's Murph...he's trying to hear "China".

I met a girl. Yes, she is so beautiful. She's a Cocker Spaniel, and she's the same color as me. I learned how to open the screen door by myself and sneak out to go next door to see her. I think she really likes me too. Mom didn't even yell at me for sneaking out. Murphy couldn't figure out how to do it, and he was getting pretty mad (he's not as smart as me). I really miss my girlfriend. I guess it was just a weekend fling.

There were tons of kids at our house all weekend. They're all pretty short and their faces taste delicious because there's candy and popsicle "juice" all over them. We didn't get yelled at for licking them, but we couldn't lick the baby. He's real little, and we were only allowed to lick his feet. He laughs like crazy when we do that. All weekend we were trying to get to the Oreo cookies. Mom kept them in the high cabinet, so we couldn't reach. We were waiting for her to give them to the kids so we could get all the crumbs....then she told them they could only have them outside because they're chocolate.....we were so bummed.

Murph kept getting tired and having to take naps...he's still a baby. Here he is on the porch, just chillin....

We didn't get to play in the ocean this time...Mom thought it was too cold right now. We're going back for two weeks this Summer, and then we'll be able to go swimming. We can't wait.

We like the beds at the beach. They're not high like Mom & Dad's bed at home. We could both jump right up on the beach problem. One night when it was really dark we both jumped up. Mom was sure surprised...she was saying "get off". Something about it being 4 in the morning. So???

At the beach we get to lay on the couch. Mom thinks it's okay because she says it's "pleather" (what???) and she can clean it. Murph and I love pleather....we want our couches at home to be made of that stuff so we can get up on them whenever we want. Mom says no pleather! Why not? Here we are sleeping on the beach pleather couch...notice Murph is "hogging" the pillow. He "hogs" everything! I really don't care though, because I had a girlfriend and that's much better than a pillow.

So that's our beach story, Doodle buddies. Have a great week! Love, Guinness (and Murph too).

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Comment by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on June 3, 2010 at 4:27pm
Sounds like you guys had a great weekend.
Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on June 2, 2010 at 10:28pm
Dear Guinness and Murphy and everyone else who shared their beach stories,
I, Ned, have been to the beach and taken for a loonnnngg walk, but they won't let me off leash - something about not coming back. I think I would like to play in the beach water. Sigh.... Clancy hasn't been to the beach at all and he doesn't mind too well yet so he won't get to go off his leash when we go in a couple of weeks. Dad just found out that Clancy comes lickety split when he whistles - maybe he will get his leash off. Maybe I will too.... I can dream anyway.
Doodle hugs,
Ned and Clancy too.
PS I have lots of girlfriends. I love girlfriends - they play the bestest ever.
Comment by Kathy Spyker on June 2, 2010 at 7:56pm
It sounds like you had a Great time, I love the picture of the doods zonked out on the sofa..thanks for sharing!!
Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on June 2, 2010 at 6:19pm
G - we LOVE the beach! We took Mickey there to meet and introduce him to bunch of our doodle friends and their Moms. As soon as Mom gave the a-okey (we had to wait another minute because we tried to break our sit/wait) we bolted as fast as our doodle legs could take us and ran straight into the ocean! OMG - it felt so good!
Mickey ran with us and as soon as he saw the water move towards him he decided that he would wait a while and check it out. After a little while he decided that he would touch a toe in the water. Not a happy doodle because Charli and I basically ignored him and kept running into the water to play. Mickey's Dad took him for a run down the beach just at the edge of the water and he got used to it. Later on his Dad picked him and they both wet into the water - not far but my Mom and Auntie Debbie were very worried that Mickey would be so afraid! Well I am just so proud of him! He didn't love it but he wasn't afraid. He loves his Dad, trusts him with his life so he was afraid! Way to go Mickey!
If my Mom ever gets off her duff and downloads the pictures (never could understand all that techy stuff) I will share them with you.
Both Charli and I love that we can dig and roll in the sand too! The only thing I don't like about that is I get sand goobers in my eyes for a whole day! That is kind of yucky but Mom cleans our eyes so they don't really bother us.
I am really glad you had a great time at the beach. If your Mom ever brings you near our house I would make sure that our Moms take us to the dog beach - we can go all year round. After the beach, we go out for pizza. I love the crust!
Comment by Christine & Shelby on June 2, 2010 at 5:40pm
Hi Guiness and Murphy.... it sounds like you had so much fun. I have never been to a beach, but I hear my mom say she likes them a lot - well, ok then... let's go. That is funny that your mom mentions digging your way to China - my mom has said that about the hole I dug by the tree in the back yard... I am glad to know you don't understand it either. Guiness.... I bet your girlfriend misses you! Murphy... be happy you get to sleep on furniture at all - no furniture for me... plether or not!
Comment by Donna K & Quincy on June 2, 2010 at 3:56pm
Hi Guinness, It sure sounds like you had a lot of fun. How can I get to be a beach dood. We don't have a lot of nice sandy beaches where we live. Last summer we went to the beach a couple of times. The first time I was sort of afraid to the water and my mom had to go in with me. Another day we went to a nice big sandy beach but they wouldn't allow me on the beach. My mom said it's ok and we found another beach not far away that I was allowed on but I had to stay on a leash. That wasn't a lot of fun. This summer we are going to go to the ocean near where we live and I will try swimming there. Not much sand to dig in but enough to get dirty, Yay! Your girlfriend sounds like a real fox and your brother Murphy looks a lot like me. Quincy
Comment by Camilla and Darwin on June 2, 2010 at 3:32pm
Looks like you guys had fun! I love your blog posts!
Comment by BG and Gavin on June 2, 2010 at 3:31pm
Fun blog - thanks for posting Guinness!
Comment by F, Calla & Luca on June 2, 2010 at 3:10pm
The good life!
Comment by LG & Sadie on June 2, 2010 at 12:07pm
LOVE this! Sadie is quite the beach doodle too-and she's lucky to have her Nana live on the Cape! Lots of romps-but only Sept. 15-May 15.....apparently not everyone likes dogs on beaches ;-) not sure what is up with that!


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