Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I took Hudson to the vet today because I had a feeling he had a ear infection, he does=( Anyway when I got there the parking lot was full. I got my daughter and Hudson out of the car and started for the office door. There was a man just coming out of the door holding a puppy ( I think ) and another dog on a leash. All of a sudden his dog was running towards us and he was yelling his name! This dog was not listening to him, my heart started to beat pretty fast, all I could think of was the 4 lanes of traffic behind us. His dog came running at us and stopped at my feet to smell Hudson I didn't even think about what if he bites me! I just knew I had to grab him before he darts out into the traffic. Well he didn't bite me so I am glad about that, but I am even more glad I was there at the right time. I have a feeling if Hudson had not been with me he would have kept on going!! The dog must have slipped out of his collar....just a reminder for us all to keep an eye on our dog's collar's.......

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Comment by Veronica Lackey on September 6, 2009 at 5:58pm
Sorry about the ear infection... Glad you caught the dog! It is very scary. Brody has gotten our of his collar a few times. Thank God he's trained and runs back to me right away.
Comment by HANNAH 8/2/07 & HONEY 7/2/08 on September 3, 2009 at 7:52pm
That man was very lucky to have you there at the right time to save his dog. I can imagine the horrible feeling you all would of had ..if something happened to that dog. Glad it all worked out for the best for you both. I hope this man was as greatfull towards you and Hudson for helping him.
Hope Hudson recover's quickly from the ear infection. I like to use Miconosol for treatment of my dogs ear infections (when they had ear infections their ears were cleaned 2xs a day till the infection cleared up), than I clean their ears at least every other week since they don't have an infection. We have not had ear infections since they both were puppies. Time to buy stock in ear clearner for
Comment by Barb, Murphy, Emmet, & Hudson on September 3, 2009 at 6:35pm
Never heard of blue power ear solution before so glad it has helped you out=) I'll ask my vet about it thanks
Comment by Janie on September 3, 2009 at 5:38pm
To bad your doodle has an ear infection hope Hudson gets over it fast. Thank goodness you were able to stop the dog.
Comment by Juki N Moose on September 3, 2009 at 4:24pm
Sorry to hear your doodle has got an ear infection. We have had a couple ear infections as well, but new diet has cleared all that up. Have you ever heard of the blue power ear solution? It has saved as hundreds of dollars and cleared up any infections we have had lately. Our 2 doodles were having bad reaction to grain food products, but since we switched them to Orijen 6 fish kibble, no more problems. Occasionally they get slight irritation due to them both loving any water source (creek, lake). Then we just clean them out with the blue power solution and within a day or 2 their ears are back to normal. The solution can be made with grocery/pharmacy store items, the recipe is provided on Our vet approved, although some ear infections can be serious so please check with your vet before trying anything. The solution has saved us a lot in vet bills and cost only a few bucks to make. Hope this helps....
Comment by LuvMyAbby&Kaela on September 3, 2009 at 4:09pm
Glad you were there! That would have been horrible! I bet the owner was so glad you grabbed him.


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