Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Brief Doodle to follow soon!!!

Yay! The Doodle has arrived. Yesterday was a BIG day for me and the Dood. After we left Dixie's, it took about 5 minutes for the puppy to get out of his harness and seat belt. SIGH. So I am driving on I-35 and trying to stuff my face with a Chick-Fil-A Wrap at 3 pm in Friday before Easter traffic, north of Austin TX, while a chocolate Doodle is climbing over the console of my car and trying to get in my lap. Let the puppy shenanigans begin!!! So, we pull over, re-adjust harness, and get back on the road. Then we drove to SW Austin to see my mom, her dogs, and retrieve my favorite sweater I left in Park City, UT over Christmas/New Years. She has 2 Golden Retrievers and 2 cats. Doodle met everyone, everyone met Doodle. No one seemed to care much. LOL. Puppy met mom, mom's husband and kid brother. No problem! Puppy navigated up and down one set of 5 stairs, no problem. We peed outside.....YAY! No accidents at mom's fancy new house. PHEW. So now time to make the 2 hour drive home. Puppy is hungry and had some dry kibble in the front seat, harness secure. He is not heavy enough for the airbag to activate, but I scooted the seat back all the way anyhow. He mostly slept on the way home, whimpered a little, but quickly figured out I wouldn't pet him when he was whining, so he would be quiet and I would resume petting. Got home around 8 p.m. Offered some more food, not interested. Too many distractions!! Meet 2 new dogs (more on puppy's level now) 3 cats, and 2 birds. No problems there. All the other animals were too hungry for dinner, as my DH was out fishing and not home yet. Speaking of DH, when he got out of the shower, the puppy went over to him and he bent down to pet him. That has been the only encounter thus far, LOL. He is avoiding like the plague and so is my Lhasa!

There was some more playing, more outdoor potties (3 pees and a poo) and no accidents in the house. Time to get in the kennel for bed...........about 30 minutes of horrific crying (after 5 min DH went to the couch and closed the bedroom door behind him, SIGH) and then he slept til about 5:15 am. I heard a small whimper, got up, waited for whimper to stop, then carried outside to pee! Yay again! Back to bed. This time I let him up onto the bed with me (I said I was going to wait til he was older, but everyone was sleeping peacefully so I didn't want the horrific wailing to come back). He slept next to me until about 8:45 am. We got up and went out to pee then came in for breakfast. Then out to pee again and morning poo. Still no accidents!

He follows me everywhere I go, and sits when I stop.....I think he is going to be REAL easy to train! He is curious, but not fearless, doesn't spook easily, and is perfectly content to be held for long periods of time or lay at your feet, which he is doing right now as I am typing.

OK, weekend errands beckon. More later today on a possible name and some pictures!

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Comment by Camilla and Darwin on April 3, 2010 at 2:51pm
Ah, the first night... :-) I am so excited to hear how everything turns out! I can't wait to see pictures.
Comment by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on April 3, 2010 at 11:20am
Your puppy sounds great - I can't wait to see photos.
Comment by Michele, Biscuit & Mo on April 3, 2010 at 10:11am
Can't wait to see pics - sounds like you had a FULL first day!
Comment by Christine & Shelby on April 3, 2010 at 9:21am
Yay! So excited for you. Sounds like the little Doodle is doing GREAT! Can't wait to see photos!!!
Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on April 3, 2010 at 8:59am
Thanks for the update. I loved hearing about the first hours and day. I sure sounds like your pup is a winner! I am looking forward to the photos. Choosing a name is such fun - so many, many possiblitiies. I am still coming up with ideas for our new guy - and he is named!
Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on April 3, 2010 at 8:57am
Minga, I'm so happy for you! Your puppy sounds wonderful! I also can't wait for pictures! Have you decided on a name yet?
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on April 3, 2010 at 8:45am
Oh, it sounds like a perfect first day and night. I'm so happy for you. Can't wait for the pictures.


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