Well, we made it through the weekend and I think everyone had a great time.
On the way to the mountains, our Doodle girl got car sick- 3 or 4 times :-(
I really thought it was because DH had fed her right before we left...Molly got car sick every time she got into a car, when we first got her. We kept hoping she would grow out of it. Finally, one day, while going to the dog park...she didn't get sick. After that, she was fine to hop into the truck and ride around. So when we left for the mountains this past Friday, I didn't even think twice about packing a trash bag, because she had been doing sooo well. About half way there, she started throwing up, yuck!
We made it to the camp ground and while we were there, she had a blast. We hiked, played in the river (Molly beside the river-she HATES water-crazy doodle), we played fetch over and over and over, we rode our bikes (Molly trotting along beside us), and we just hung out around camp. Molly loved showing off all of her tricks. She was so well behaved. She slept in her crate, inside of our tent and not once did she make a peep! We were so proud :-)
We did a lot of off leash walking, and I was very pleased with how well she did. She would only walk a few feet in front of us and if I said "Molly come" she would stop dead in her tracks and come back to me. At one point she was ahead of me, not far, but far enough that she went around a bend in the trail before I did, all of a sudden I heard a dog barking and growling it's head off...I took off at a sprint and just about crashed into Molly...she had her tail tucked and was sprinting BACK towards me...when I got around the bend, I saw the "scary" dog that had barked at Molly- a teeny tiny norfolk terrier- LOL...her owner was also walking with her dog off leash and I guess Molly came up on her dog and scared it...which sent it into a flying, barking ,growling freenzy. Molly is what we call a dog snob, she is not aggressive in the least bit, she just doesn't care about other dogs...she ignores them completely. So when the little dog started barking, it freaked Molly out.
We tried, to no avail, to get Molly to like water...we would throw sticks and her ball out into the water...but she would just stand on the edge of the water and bark/whine. If the item we tossed into the river floated close enough, she would ease her head out above the water, peel back her lips, and use her teeth to gently pick the item up out of the water! Silly dog!!! I'm guessing that is the German Shepherd in her, because from what I've read poodles usually love water.
On the ride back home on Sunday, Molly got sick AGAIN :-( We made a point not to feed her before we left...but this only caused her to throw up really wet (from drinking water) digested dog food, GROSS!!
I don't know what we're going to do about this car sickness. We really wanted a dog that could travel with us, as we travel A LOT. I know there are meds that the vet can give us...but I don't want to sedate her every time we get in the car.
Does anyone else have any experience with dogs and car sickness??
Other than that, we had a great time...it was nice to spend time with my family and hang out with my dad on fathers day.
oh on a side note, while we were there we ran into a lady with two cockapoos...OH MY WORD, they were ADORABLE!!!! I think I've talked my mom into getting one in the near future :-) Yayyy for another doodle!!!!
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