Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Emergency Vet Visit after Eating Latex Gloves!!


My poor DH had to rush Hartley to the vet today while I was at work.  We had some contractors removing old, bat poop infested insulation from our attic.  They were wearing gloves and when they were done just took them off and dropped them on the ground.  Hartley gave in to his Lab. genes and thought they looked pretty tasty.  My DH caught him as he was swallowing one whole, called the vet and rushed him there.  The vet gave him tasty canned food to eat to ensure his stomach was full and then injected him with a morphine derivative to make him throw up.  My DH said it was very distressing as he felt they had had to trick Hartley by offering him this tasty food and them making him sick.  The drug also completely knocked him out so that by the time he was finishing vomiting he was almost unconscious.  It turned out that he had eaten FOUR of these gloves, so it was a good job we did take him to the vet when we did.  I dread to think about what would have happened if they had made it past his stomach into the rest of his digestive system.  DH had to carry him out to the car - not easy with a 75lb dog that is completely limp!!  Hartley is still a bit groggy, but did eat his dinner and I'm sure he will be back to his normal goofy self tomorrow - but what a scare.  These doods are taking years off my life!!

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Comment by Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty on June 16, 2011 at 11:25am
OMD how scary that must of been! I know I would have been very stressed out. It makes me so mad when people litter and leave their junk on the ground and I have to constantly keep a good eye on my doodle. Luckily she doesn't usually try to eat anything harmful, but I have pulled a few scary things out of her mouth just in the nick of time (a beer bottle cap, a led pencil...). I'm glad Hartley is ok! Silly Doodle!
Comment by Jennifer,Chloe & Myla on June 16, 2011 at 7:45am
How horrible! These doodles think they can eat anything!! Glad DH got him fast care and he is ok.
Comment by Ellen, Brûlée, and Tira on June 16, 2011 at 6:11am
What a scary thing to have to handle.  So glad it was all resolved and Hartley is back up and feeling great!
Comment by Stella on June 15, 2011 at 6:02pm
Hartley is back to his normal goofy self today!  We even went to agility class!  So, luckily it appears he has made a full recovery.  My DH took him back to the vet today for a visit and some love, just to make sure he didn't get scared about going back.  Luckily he went in fine and loved getting treats from all the girls there.
Comment by Donna K & Quincy on June 15, 2011 at 5:21pm
Latex gloves and bat poop, too much for a doodle to resist. I'm so glad he is ok. Quincy swallowed a latex glove once but he passed it later the same day without incident.
Comment by Sue, Lola, Pongo & Hubby on June 15, 2011 at 4:48pm
im glad your DH found him mid-swallow. That could have been a WHOLE lot worse. Poor little (well....big!!) guy!!!
Comment by cheryl & oliver on June 15, 2011 at 4:17pm
Oh how scarey, thank goodness that your husband was there to see what happened and got to the vet with Harley...Hope tomorrow is a better day, and glad that he is ok.....
Comment by Debbie and Toby on June 15, 2011 at 3:31pm
 Thank goodness your DH noticed this and responded quickly by getting Harley to the vet! Thank goodness Harley is OK!! 
Comment by Camilla and Darwin on June 15, 2011 at 3:01pm
What a scare! Glad he's okay
Comment by Kyoko on June 15, 2011 at 11:53am
Oh, God!!! I am sooo glad that he was able to purge them!!! I would notify the insulation cleaning company and place complaint!!


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